Sunday, January 22, 2012

Glorious 13.

Thirteen. Oh glorious thirteen. When you can officially be called a teenager. When hormones rage, and you start leaving childhood behind. Wait a minute....was 13 really glorious? I remember zits, bad hair, and mean girls. Well, hopefully for this next generation it's a little kinder.

We've just returned from the holy lands, known as the Hoosier state, to celebrate the life of this teen right here..

Nathan Corey

 Sweet boy. He's growing up, sooooo fast.
 And here's the woman who pushed him out 13 years ago. I was working at Cracker Barrel at the time, and brought her a piece of chocolate cake, and she's never forgotten. Cake is one of our love languages.
 Pretty women of the Robinson clan.
 We must have been feeling huggy this weekend or something.
 Nice picture Cody. Ha!  I was able to watch Cody play ball again on Friday night, another win for the Braves! And crazy aunt Gretchen was in the stands actin' a fool.
 You know something I love so much about my TEEN nephews? How they play so well with my kids!
 It's so sweet.
 And you KNOW, I cannot blog without our infamous 'round the table pic' We had a treat today, my cousin Seth (on the far end) came to dinner with his girlfriend. Felt like the old days :))
 And besides celebrating with family, I also was able to see some friends. Saturday night, I had dinner with two of my high school friends. Lyndsay brought pictures from high school and we were rolling. I mean, honestly, WHAT WERE WE THINKING?
 And then I even got a little visit with my gurls, who I miss everyday.
 It was a really great weekend, and this is proof positive of it.


  1. What a good looking and kind nephew! :)) And athletic too! Awesome kid!

    Looks like another great weekend - I must go with you sometime to see this holy land you speak of?!?! ha! Maybe a summer road trip!

    And I have to know, WHO takes the pic at dinner???

  2. Muuuwah! So glad I could see you. So much fun just chatting and chatting and chatting... ;)

    I can't believe Nathan is 13. Oh my.

  3. You look so pretty in all your pictures!

    Saturday was the best! I miss getting to sit around and just chat.

  4. Brittany, my dad always takes the pic. He sets it up on a big ol tri-pod and puts it on a timer. He gets a lot of razzing about it too! :)))

  5. Looks like a great weekend! Time with family & friends is always wonderful. Hope his Glorious 13 is a wonderful year for him. I remember being 13 & unfortunately I don't recall it being glorious either LOL.

    Have a great week :)

  6. Fun times! Glad you all had a good visit!
