Saturday, September 27, 2008

Piggy tales!!

We are attempting a new hairstyle in the Bush residence. Piggy tales. I being new at this have discovered it takes a little practice so though imperfect, I say still pretty cute.... take a look.......
How cute is this??

Ketchup Girl

This one is dedicated to my dad!! My father is the KING of ketchup. He puts it on almost everything and I his youngest also inherited the great love of ketchup. I've always loved it and tend to eat a lot of it. Imagine my surprise when my son declares "I don't like ketchup, it's yucky" How could my own offspring not love the wonders of ketchup?? Alas, I believe my daughter will carry on the ketchup love. She tried it for the first time this week and loved it!! So, no worries dad, for now ketchup will live on in this family........

A girl after my own heart!!

"Whoa mommy this stuff is good!!"

Our Little Cubbie

Pierce is now taking part of the Awana progam at church. In his age group he is called a "cubbie" they meet every Wednesday night and memorize scriptures and make things and just have a ton of fun. The thing he's most proud of is earning his badges, he can't wait. He also thinks he's in school and everyday he tells me he needs to work on his "homework" Anyone that knows anything about Pierce knows that he suffered with severe seperation anxiety for the first 3 years of his life. For Paul and I this is HUGE. We are so pleased to see out little boy enjoying something and not being scared to leave us for a while. Thought I'd share a few pics of "Our little Cubbie"

Here he is, proud as can be!!

Mommy loves her little buddy!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hangin' with Mr. Cooper

Jami and I usually get together every couple of weeks for a "play date" Thought I would share some pictues from our last play time. Cooper's a little cutie pie and just beginning to get into playing with others. It's so much fun to watch all of our kids getting to know one another, I can't wait to see how all of these little people grow up! Oh, and the first two pictures I just had to share..... I told Pierce, "go get dressed, were getting ready to go to Jami's and play with Cooper" a few minutes later he appeares in the kitchen and said "OK, I'm ready" and this is what I saw........

Isn't this just too pitiful?!?

Jami and her little "clone"
Looks like Steve might be converting these kids into "Bears" fans..... what will Paul say?!?

Hope don't get too interested you are already comitted to Levi!!