Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pictures according to my parents

I wanted to share some pictures that my parents took while we were in Mexico. Of course, I can't give you my normal play-by-play in each shot, but I can always make up stuff I guess. :)

BUT this first picture I did take. The very first thing my mom did when she got to our place, was start to put on these white gloves. I was totally perplexed and asked her if she were cold or something, to which she said "I'm ready to give you the white glove inspection" and then we all started to crack up. I guess after my little rib about cleaning until I saw green men, she thought she would just run with it. Touche' mom! Your not foolin' me though mom, I know you were shaking your head at my house skillz. :)
The rest of these though, are just a little glimpse of time spent with Neena and Papaw, whilst momma and daddy were acting half our ages in the Caribbean.

My mom giving Hope the finest shopping training there is. I know this, because I learned from her myself. :)
One of the hardest parts of being gone was knowing I would miss Hope's Christmas program. Hard for me, but not for her! When I told her we would not be there, but Neena and Papaw would, she broke out into the 4 year old happy dance. Mom and dad were sweet to not only take oodles of pics, but also video it for us.

Thank you mom and dad again for taking care of our babies. It always helps when you know they are being taken care of, cough cough, and SPOILED, I think we should be called the Betty Ford clinic for a week or so, because we have some serious de-toxing going on this week. Okay, I kid. Sorta.

In all seriousness, thank you.


Jami said...

Hope's coat is beautiful and she is beautiful in it.

Jill said...

What sweet parents and love that they took pics for you! I bet you are having to detox them a bit! ;)

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

I would totally have to detox my kids after a week like this!! What sweet parents you have! Love the one of them shopping!

Susie said...

Glad to see that you have great parents to take good care of the kids while you were away.Hope was cute in her program!!

Jaime Mac said...

You make me laugh...& now so does your mom! How funny she got out her white glove!

Tracey said...

Your mom rocks!!! I'm sure the kids were ROTTEN by Sunday!!!