Hope's talking more and more these days. Some of the latest...
When she and I are in a conversation she constantly asks "what's that?"
Then I tell her and she says "Oh, I see"
Her prayers...
"Jesus, amen. Jesus, amen. Jesus amen"
Question to Hope:
"What does your Bible say?"
Hope: "Jesus loves me"
Playing with her dolls
"baby is stinky, baby poopie, change diaper"
Playing hide and seek with her brother, one eye is always open, counting "one, two, three.... one, two, three....one, two, three.... I WIN"
" Hopie no like it...... I skeeered"
"I secret" then whispers (um, talks loudly) in my ear, "I want juice, please"
She's saying much, much more but those are some of my favorites. Can't believe she will be two next month. Goes so fast. Sometimes I feel like I love my kids so much I might get sick to my stomach (nuts, hugh)