Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pierce's 1st T-ball Game!!

Last Tuesday was Pierce's 1st t-ball game. Let me just say ADORABLE. Get a group of four year olds together for an organized sport and well, it is quite a hoot!!! I can't believe he's already old enough to play, and I think it's going to provide us great joy to watch him play this summer!!!

Standing in line for prayer...Pierce on the end, #6, and yes he has his ears covered for the prayer.
Warming the bench.
Warming up.
Running into home plate!!
Hope cheering on her big brother!!
In action....
Running for the ball....
Getting ready for his pitch.
I'll have you know he hit this one!!
My cute player ;)


Jenny said...

How cute! Griffin likes to pick the dandelions out of the outfield and hand them to his coach. LOL Hope you get as much enjoyment watching the games as we have of watching Griffin's games. BTW-looks like he has a nice swing there!

Tracey said...

Wow - I think someone is going pro!!