Seriously, wasn't it just yesterday that Paul happened to mention a "possibility" of a job change?? Geez, and now he has the job, we are going to put down a deposit on a place this week, and will be pulling Pierce out of CAI at the end of September.
My head's still kind of spinning. Everything seems to have stopped. I don't know how to explain it. It's like "going through the motions" I just feel absent right now. It's just, so.much.change.
So, I don't not love ya'll anymore, yes I realize my comments have slowed down. Even though I'm still reading every one's blogs. I'm just a little pre-occupied ;) To be honest, I wish I could just wake up and it's November. The work of the move is done, we've found a church, and transition has begun.
Pierce is still doing really well with school, Hope is enjoying her mommy time, and I need to start packing. So, hang in there with me. Please don't abandon me, in my weak blogging moments. I promise to get back to myself!!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
I've never, ever liked change.
I'm not one for adventure and change. I like the same ol', same ol'. I'm comfortable with my friends, my family, my church, my hairdresser, pediatrician, grocery store, roads, YOU GET THE POINT?!?!?!
Let me back up a little.....most of you that read my blog know everything that Paul and I have gone through. Some of you don't. I'm not going to go into all the details, well, because this would be longer than the Twilight series ;) So, I'll just say that we've been through a TON, and honestly, most of it has been rough. There have been prayers for years from many people that things would turn around for us, and the Lord has been answering prayers. First of all, Paul's health is really good and secondly is what I'm getting to here.....Paul applied for a BIG promotion, and we found out on Friday that he got it!!!
Promotion means the change. We will be moving to Bowling Green, KY.
I'm still reeling in emotion. One minute I'm excited, the next I'm bent over in the ugly cry. You see, I've never lived anywhere but here. I'm 35, and never lived more than 20 miles outside of New Albany. Basically gone to the same church my whole life, went to one school all my years, well..... my people are here. Of course, my family is Paul, Pierce and Hope, and I have to do what's in the best interest for them, and as long as we are together, I will be okay, but that still doesn't mean it's not gonna hurt like crazy.
I don't know many details yet, like when exactly we will be leaving or where we will be going, etc.....but I know that my blog is going to be one of my many outlets to get out all these emotions inside.
Oh one more thing tho....I'm proud as a peacock for Paul. Seriously, he's worked his tail off, and I was insane some days at his job, I would be the one freaking out, and he was always steady and calm. You see, he's got much more faith than me!!! He trusts like nobody I've ever known, he isn't swayed by emotion (at least not anymore) he's faced soooooo much, and well I'm just proud of him.
Let me back up a little.....most of you that read my blog know everything that Paul and I have gone through. Some of you don't. I'm not going to go into all the details, well, because this would be longer than the Twilight series ;) So, I'll just say that we've been through a TON, and honestly, most of it has been rough. There have been prayers for years from many people that things would turn around for us, and the Lord has been answering prayers. First of all, Paul's health is really good and secondly is what I'm getting to here.....Paul applied for a BIG promotion, and we found out on Friday that he got it!!!
Promotion means the change. We will be moving to Bowling Green, KY.
I'm still reeling in emotion. One minute I'm excited, the next I'm bent over in the ugly cry. You see, I've never lived anywhere but here. I'm 35, and never lived more than 20 miles outside of New Albany. Basically gone to the same church my whole life, went to one school all my years, well..... my people are here. Of course, my family is Paul, Pierce and Hope, and I have to do what's in the best interest for them, and as long as we are together, I will be okay, but that still doesn't mean it's not gonna hurt like crazy.
I don't know many details yet, like when exactly we will be leaving or where we will be going, etc.....but I know that my blog is going to be one of my many outlets to get out all these emotions inside.
Oh one more thing tho....I'm proud as a peacock for Paul. Seriously, he's worked his tail off, and I was insane some days at his job, I would be the one freaking out, and he was always steady and calm. You see, he's got much more faith than me!!! He trusts like nobody I've ever known, he isn't swayed by emotion (at least not anymore) he's faced soooooo much, and well I'm just proud of him.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
A new chapter of life begins....
On October 22, 2004 I became a new mommy. I really thought my baby would be a baby forever, and visions of kindergarten were far, far away. However, in what seems like a blink of an eye, that baby is a boy and starting his school years. I've daydreamed about this day for years, and just like I thought, there were tears, not his of course. Pierce actually was excited, and that helped me a ton!!! Funny thing, today was just day #2, and the first thing he says to me when I pick him up "Mom, I'm not going to school tomorrow" "Oh, you don't think so, why not?" "We have music class, and I'm not doing that" Hahahaha!! For some reason he's determined that's not for him ;)
Getting going bright and early..

Hope was completely out of it. She's soooo not used to getting up early ;)

This one got stuck in here twice, oh well!!! He's a little stud.

Don't you just break out into a random run before you head to school or work?!?!?

Heading into that big school!!!!

Sooooo excited!!!

In front of his cubbie!!!

At his desk!!!

Soooo, I thought *maybe* Pierce would cry, I knew I would cry, but I didn't anticipate this one crying!!! She was soooo upset that we "were leaving her brother" Poor baby!!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010
My very own personal ad....
So, if I was to put an ad out for myself, you know kind of like "If you like pina colada's, and getting caught in the rain" this is about how I imagine it would sound.....
You wanna know what my favorite things are?? Oh my, the list is long, because there are many things that this momma is passionate about. **First of all please note, my ad will not list, God, my husband, my children, or red lipstick, these are a given of course**
FALL....Yes, the season of Fall. I can think of no other season, as far as weather that gets me goin'. I adore the changing leaves, the crispness in the air, the football on the t.v., and chili bubbling on the stove. I actually have renewed energy in fall, I bounce around like Tigger, and have a desire to be outdoors all the time. I want to hit festivals, and pick pumpkins, drink cider, and visit Gatlinburg. I can think of nothing quite as depressing as living in a climate that never changed, no change of season. I need the change, and I really need FALL.
CHRISTMAS.....I'm sure most people "love" Christmas, unless you're a scrooge of course, but for me, it really does make me fall in love all over again, every single year. I think this goes back to being a kid. My mom did a fabulous job at Christmas, it really was like a fairy tale, so I just have general fuzzy feelings about the holiday. Of course, being a grown up, well, it's a little less special isn't it?? Now we have to pay for it, do all the work, and are in general more stressed, but all that aside, I still passionately LOVE it. It's all I can do, to wait to start playing Christmas carols, until after Halloween. I want my tree up in early November, and I will suck every last drop out of that glorious time. Ahhhhhh, CHRISTMAS.
MUSIC....OMG, where do I start??? My music determines my mood, or maybe it's my mood that determines my music? Personally, I think I would die a slow death without my music. How does a person not enjoy music?? There are my praise music days, my rock days, my pop days, and even my ghetto days, now that's hilarious, watching my white self get down like a thug. I can hear a song, and instantly be transported to a memory. All of a sudden I'm 16 and it's summer, and life is carefree, or it's the years of dating Rico, or being a new mommy. Okay, someone please hand me my I-pod!!! Music moves my soul and yes my boo-tay. Oh sweet, MUSIC.
DANCING...Since, I was a youngin', I have loved dancing. I always wished I had been given dance lessons, however, through years of dancing to my boom box, I seemed to teach myself.
I just love to shake it, move it, groove it and get down. That was one of the things that attracted me to Paul, his love to dance and get down, and of course you will find us on many occasions having a dance party with the kids. I really hope I never outgrow my need to move, so just like Kevin Bacon in Footloose......"Let's Dance"
GLEE.....So, take my two above, MUSIC AND DANCE and combine them into a t.v. show and kids you have me a new love. I heard all the rumbles about the show, but didn't think much of it, then one day I stumbled upon it, and well I fell for it, hard!! I ADORE the music, I mean absolutely love it. Then you add the dancing and the most important WILL SCHUESTER, seriously, I'm beginning to daydream as I write this.....OH MY GLEE
TWILIGHT.....not gonna lie, I'm a little sheepish to admit this one, I mean what kind of band wagoner am I??? I also only started these books a mere few weeks ago, however, you know when you've fallen in love, right?!?! Just like Edward knew right away for Bella, I knew right away that these books had me. Seriously, what a love story. The idea that someone would fight their very being, just to be with the one they loved. Or that after all those years, only one woman ever caught Edwards heart, sigghhhh. Listen girls, don't get any ideas about marrying Edward, I will be his wife, if you step in my way I will send the werewolves after you ;)......Ahhhh, Twilight
FOOD....I just adore food. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has a love of food, but I cannot rightly talk about myself and not mention my love of food......Ohhhh yum-o grub
Lastly no list of my favorite things cannot include....
SHOPPING....I do believe in the love of shopping. Shallow and empty? Maybe. However, I don't care. I love shopping for the kids, for others, the house, and who are we kidding, for myself. I mean, someone sign me up for some cute shoe shopping alone and I will jump for joy. Target, Ann Taylor, Dillards, Pottery Barn, oh my heart is beginning to race......LETS SHOP!!!!
So, "there are a few of my favorite things" and what makes ginmommy tick. ;)
You wanna know what my favorite things are?? Oh my, the list is long, because there are many things that this momma is passionate about. **First of all please note, my ad will not list, God, my husband, my children, or red lipstick, these are a given of course**
FALL....Yes, the season of Fall. I can think of no other season, as far as weather that gets me goin'. I adore the changing leaves, the crispness in the air, the football on the t.v., and chili bubbling on the stove. I actually have renewed energy in fall, I bounce around like Tigger, and have a desire to be outdoors all the time. I want to hit festivals, and pick pumpkins, drink cider, and visit Gatlinburg. I can think of nothing quite as depressing as living in a climate that never changed, no change of season. I need the change, and I really need FALL.
CHRISTMAS.....I'm sure most people "love" Christmas, unless you're a scrooge of course, but for me, it really does make me fall in love all over again, every single year. I think this goes back to being a kid. My mom did a fabulous job at Christmas, it really was like a fairy tale, so I just have general fuzzy feelings about the holiday. Of course, being a grown up, well, it's a little less special isn't it?? Now we have to pay for it, do all the work, and are in general more stressed, but all that aside, I still passionately LOVE it. It's all I can do, to wait to start playing Christmas carols, until after Halloween. I want my tree up in early November, and I will suck every last drop out of that glorious time. Ahhhhhh, CHRISTMAS.
MUSIC....OMG, where do I start??? My music determines my mood, or maybe it's my mood that determines my music? Personally, I think I would die a slow death without my music. How does a person not enjoy music?? There are my praise music days, my rock days, my pop days, and even my ghetto days, now that's hilarious, watching my white self get down like a thug. I can hear a song, and instantly be transported to a memory. All of a sudden I'm 16 and it's summer, and life is carefree, or it's the years of dating Rico, or being a new mommy. Okay, someone please hand me my I-pod!!! Music moves my soul and yes my boo-tay. Oh sweet, MUSIC.
DANCING...Since, I was a youngin', I have loved dancing. I always wished I had been given dance lessons, however, through years of dancing to my boom box, I seemed to teach myself.
I just love to shake it, move it, groove it and get down. That was one of the things that attracted me to Paul, his love to dance and get down, and of course you will find us on many occasions having a dance party with the kids. I really hope I never outgrow my need to move, so just like Kevin Bacon in Footloose......"Let's Dance"
GLEE.....So, take my two above, MUSIC AND DANCE and combine them into a t.v. show and kids you have me a new love. I heard all the rumbles about the show, but didn't think much of it, then one day I stumbled upon it, and well I fell for it, hard!! I ADORE the music, I mean absolutely love it. Then you add the dancing and the most important WILL SCHUESTER, seriously, I'm beginning to daydream as I write this.....OH MY GLEE
TWILIGHT.....not gonna lie, I'm a little sheepish to admit this one, I mean what kind of band wagoner am I??? I also only started these books a mere few weeks ago, however, you know when you've fallen in love, right?!?! Just like Edward knew right away for Bella, I knew right away that these books had me. Seriously, what a love story. The idea that someone would fight their very being, just to be with the one they loved. Or that after all those years, only one woman ever caught Edwards heart, sigghhhh. Listen girls, don't get any ideas about marrying Edward, I will be his wife, if you step in my way I will send the werewolves after you ;)......Ahhhh, Twilight
FOOD....I just adore food. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has a love of food, but I cannot rightly talk about myself and not mention my love of food......Ohhhh yum-o grub
Lastly no list of my favorite things cannot include....
SHOPPING....I do believe in the love of shopping. Shallow and empty? Maybe. However, I don't care. I love shopping for the kids, for others, the house, and who are we kidding, for myself. I mean, someone sign me up for some cute shoe shopping alone and I will jump for joy. Target, Ann Taylor, Dillards, Pottery Barn, oh my heart is beginning to race......LETS SHOP!!!!
So, "there are a few of my favorite things" and what makes ginmommy tick. ;)
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