So, maybe it's just a 4 year old's party, but we still partied! Pierce is now a "big boy" he tells me and we had a party to celebrate on Sunday. Nothing big, but still a celebration for our boy! Here's a look......
Here he is ready to go!! :)
Thanks Tracey for such a lovely gun!!! (I will get you back)

Do you think Levi is excited?!?!?
Thanks everyone for coming and all the wonderful gifts. Pierce and Hope are both very fortunate to have such a great family and wonderful friends. Thank you Aunt Jo-Jo for letting us use your house.
Great pics! LOL - the "dog bite"!! The cake wasn't pitiful. It was cute and tasted AWESOME! We were glad to be there and celebrate. :)
The cake was awesome. We had a great time too.
Thanks for the comment! It's so encouraging to hear someone else say that they agree. I'm going to go add you to my blog list :)
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