Jami had the idea that we should take all the kids to a parade, so Saturday morning we headed to downtown Jeff, for the "Freedom Parade." The weather was perfect. Overcast, so it wasn't too hot, but the rain did hold off!! There was lots of candy thrown, bands, floats, old cars, service men and women and even the officers who had been shot. The kids really enjoyed themselves. They loved waving and clapping, and running after candy!! It was a very fun time and I'm glad Jami suggested it!! Looks like we have another tradition!!!!
As I type away, it's raining outside, bummer. I hope it stops soon. We have food to put on the grill and fireworks to set off, Pierce is so excited!! Remember, freedom is not free....that also goes for spiritual freedom.....thank someone who serves/has served, and thank the Lord.

Waiting on the BEARS blanket...whatever ;)

Pierce looks thrilled.
My little patriot.
Cooper loved the parade!!
more watching....
watching and waving...
and more watching...
Just some of our loot.
And no day would be complete without Hope ending up in tears. She did great until the "Sunny Side of Louisville" balloon float went by. That sucker put out some serious heat, and I guess she thought she was gonna go down in a blaze of glory with that float.
I have almost the exact same picture of Pierce and said the exact same thing.... he looks so thrilled.
Your kids are gorgeous. I love Hope's dress. I'm guessing little girls are a little more fun to shop for. :-)
I love the picture of Hopie having a meltdown. :) Looks like a lot of fun!!
Sorry it's taken me so long! My camera is a Canon Rebel. and Yes, it's worth it!
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