10-22-04, the day that changed my life forever. The day that I gave birth to my firstborn, a son.
What is the common theme among all moms? "Where has the time gone?" OR "Where has my baby gone?" So let me start with that question, REALLY WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE? Remember when your baby is first born and you feel as though they will be your helpless little baby forever? Then the years start slipping away and your baby is now a toddler, and then your toddler is a little boy....I guess I will be asking myself this question for the rest of my life.....

About my little boy.....he is such a joy, a true joy. He has a tender heart and yet is feisty. He is well behaved and yet a challenge. He loves playing outdoors, and showing off for whoever will watch. He aggravates his sister, and yet protects her. He's a lover, a true lover, who still wants his mommy to "hold him" and "snuggle" on a daily basis. He loves animals and I am sure he will be a hunter. He ADORES his father, and I see so much of Paul in his mannerisms and personality.
My prayers for myself as Pierce's mommy....that I do not get in the way of who my children are meant to be. That I am always more interested in my children's hearts more than my own selfishness. That they can trust me. That Jesus through me will help me love my children unconditionally. Above all, that my children will see Jesus in me, not in words but in the love that only HE can give me for them.

My prayer for Pierce....that he will come to know Christ and love Him more every single year. I'm not here to just get my kids "saved" I want them to know Jesus and live for Him. If that happens the rest doesn't matter.
Happy 5th Birthday Pierce Matthew Bush!!!!!!!!!!!