It's the weekend for love. Date nights, and time alone with your man. A chance to wear way too much mascara and of course heavy red lipstick. The kind of weekend that us, over makeup wearing girls live for.
Back the story up to last Tuesday....I woke up with a throat that was ON FIRE. Of course I thought with a few over the counter meds, I'd be well on my way to my night of heavy makeup. NOT SO. By Thursday I knew I had to be seen.....
Doctor: "Oh my, your throat is full of blisters, and is very swollen, you have acute pharyngitis"
Me thinking...."sweet, she's gonna hook with me with some Oxycontin, maybe methadone, ooooo maybe a pain patch"
Doctor: "Yes, this is extremely painful, will last 7-10 days, and there's nothing we can do for you"
Me: WHA?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Doctor: "Yes, it's caused by a virus, go home gargle salt water, take ibuprofen, and don't eat anything, except ice cream and pudding"
So, I left discouraged. Empty handed with no heavy narcotics, and knowing that my date night with big giant earrings and red lips was an empty dream.
Let me say, I have been miserable. The sickest I've been in a long time. Fevers, lack of sleep, HUNGRY, coughing till I gag, and of course the necessary meltdowns, "I can't take this anymore"
So what have been the perks????
A man servant at my every command. He's been busy going to the grocery store every other minute, bathing kids, fetching my medicine, freshening my water, fluffing my pillow, and any other thing that my little heart desires.....
In return this is what he got....... The picture of beauty, loveliness, and you might notice I do have some lipstick on. Girls we have to have our priorities........With that said, if I'm ever laid up in the hospital, each of my friends has a place to make sure that I look decent. I expect you girls to pluck me, put on some lips, and it feasible some hoop earrings. Thanks in advance.

Back to some of the perks......magazines, the best kind of reading. Pudding, who knew that pudding could be so good?? Of course lots of wonderful drawing from the best little artist in town.
Then, this little one. She kept visiting me to "sing and make mommy feel better" Now who wouldn't feel better with such a little visitor???
Like I said.....
Then there was this.....All three of them worked so hard on making me cards. I can't tell you how sweet it was to have them all march into my room, with their homemade cards in hand. I will keep them forever....

So, maybe I didn't get my night of red lips and big earrings, but I've had lots and lots of love surrounding me for days. I hope each of you had as wonderful a Valentines Day as me ;)