Tracey Leigh, 32 years old was a virgin until Saturday night. A BIG MAC VIRGIN. That's right people, Tracey had never had a Big Mac her entire life until Saturday night!!!
I guess the mood and atmosphere were just right, because we were able to convince her to try it! And guess what, she LOVED it. But come on, who doesn't love a good Big Mac?!?
We all felt priveleged to be there for her first time and she even let all of us share in this special moment. Enjoy some moments of her special night;)
Waiting in anticipation for what she was about to experience....

Paul felt very special to actually be the "first" one to give it to her.....
Oh, here it is just waiting......
The first bite!!!!!
Hmmmmmm, this is GOOD!!
Enjoying the very "special glow" afterwards.....
Following pictures are Matt, Eric, and Gretchen enjoying a little Big Mac too, definetly not virgins though ;)
That is awesome!
(blushing) It was soooo good! I'm glad you got to experience it with me. It's a memory I will never forget! ;)
32 years without a big mac?!? That's crazy! Everyone loves a big mac :)
Tracey, how can you be related to me and never have tasted a big mac!!! Lots of Love!
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