Of course the last weekend was the long holiday and the 4th. It was so nice to have Rico home for 3 whole days. We went to see Toy Story 3, went to a parade in Jeff, had a cookout with my sister, and then her boys came over and we set off fireworks, played bad mi ton, ate ice cream, and then went to see fireworks in Sellersburg. We also all went swimming as a family on Monday. Seriously, for the first time in probably 7 or 8 years, I'm getting a tan. I didn't know my body still knew how to do it.
Some funnies about the kids:
*Pierce cut his hair today. He came to me and said "mommy, I cut my hair" Of course I had a mini stroke for a second, but couldn't get very upset, since I did the same thing when I was his age. His explanation "I want this thing gone (pointing to his giant calic) daddy doesn't have one, and I don't like it"
*The other day Hope told me she put Katie in the closet. Of course I asked why she would put her friend in a closet, and she told me "I don't love her anymore"
*Oh, also Hope told me "I'm not sure I love Jesus" (that'll make you feel like a bad mommy)
*Okay, this one isn't about the kids, but I agreed to read the Twilight books, or maybe I should say, I'll try them out. Holy Moly, the pressure from the fellow Twihards, I don't know that I can handle the pressure!!!!!!!!!!
Here's a few pics, from our doings. I have no clue why the last few turned out small. I soooo, don't know what I'm doing ;-)
At the parade in Jeff

Yeah... you blogged! I'm bummed we couldn't make it. Too much to do! I told Tracey even if we can't swim next week we should try to get together.
OK-I'm starting to get a complex on this "you know who you are stuff"! I scold because I LOVE! :)
I don't know if you so much 'agreed' to read them or were guilted into it because JLL & I were having SO much fun talking about our obsession w/out you. You know you don't wanna be left outta anything. That's why I'm bitter about pool parties during the day when I'm at my sucky job! Hmph! :)
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