's been a whirlwind of a a few days. We headed back to the Promised Land on Christmas Eve, Eve. With all this Christmas talk for weeks and weeks, the kids were just a little wired!!! We hung out at my parents on Thursday, but knew we needed some things to do on Christmas Eve to keep the kids occupied. Thankfully, we were invited by the Lee's to join in a breakfast at McDonald's, and the Reid's were invited too, we've decided this will be a tradition :-) Let's dive right into a very full and fun day!!!
Check out this gem of a picture. For some reason Jami decided she would be a hoochie and hook up with Eric instead of her own husband, and Cooper let us know how he felt about that. Finger straight up the nose, haha!!! Love you Jami Lee Leigh, thanks for inviting us!!!

These two are so precious. They give me the baby fever....but then my lovely friends always talk me down from that one, HA!!

After breakfast we decided to hit Bass Pro. My kids haven't been there all season, and they really love it. I kinda want to rip out my nails, but the kids love it, so that makes me happy :-)

Check out our future hunter.

I really don't think this will be in her future, but who knows?? Maybe if she can get that pink gun.

Little man wore his pj's out all day. Normally I wouldn't go for this, but hey, it was Christmas Eve!! Why not??!!!

Here is a reason I love Bass Pro!!! While the kids are shooting deers and playing games, I go sit down for a bit and enjoy myself a fine cup of joe.

After Bass Pro, we decided to take the kids to a movie. Hope and I opted for Tangled (again) while the boys went and saw Narnia. We give both movies a big thumbs up!!

Back to mom's so we could have dinner with the family. Pierce's one request for a treat was cinnamon roles, so momma made sure he had some!!!

Do you see what I put up with?? Several pics, and each one he was a goof.

So, I had several items of clothes hanging up to bring with us. These were my "nicer" clothes that I would wear on Christmas Eve and Christmas. Guess who forgot them, cough, it wasn't me. So, on Christmas Eve I wore a sweatshirt of my mom's. Just needs to be documented for memories sake ;-)

Had to make the kiddos pose for me.....

SOOO ready for the big day!!!

Me and my most beautiful and favorite sister. Oh and I totally look like I have a house sitting on my head.

Here are our famous "family photos" Let me tell you about my dad. He's a little psychotic with his pictures and video. He's ALWAYS taking pictures, and yes we will appreciate all of these one day, but sometimes we give him a hard time about it. These two crack me up, first of all my mom looks like she's hanging from the light, and....

....this one, we let dad know how we feel about always having a flashbulb in our faces. I'm sure he appreciates us acting like idiots ;-)

This here is about my mom.....when it comes to Christmas, she goes She's always given us the best Christmas's and I know it's a lot of work, you figure all that stuff out the older you get. Take a look at just SOME of the presents...This is to the left of the tree....

....and this is to the center....

Christopher and Jaclyn were not able to be with us Christmas day, so we did gifts with them that night....Christopher might be a grown married man, but he's still a big ol' kid at heart. He was the one who got the group going in a big snow ball fight...

These kids came in SOAKED.....

Too fun ;-)

After a seriously fun day, and a really difficult time getting some kids settled down for sleep, things were ready.....