No sooner, we get home and Pierce starts to complain. "I don't feel well" Of course my first self-centered thought was "and you couldn't have said this when we were at the doc" Actually, I shrugged it off, "eh, maybe it's a cold, coming on"
However I knew trouble was really a brewin' when this happened....
Exhibit A

He slept. Ya'll know that little 5 year old boys don't just lay down and go to sleep!!!
He slept, and slept, and slept....then the ralphing started :(
Last night was ROUGH. He couldn't stop throwing up, and Hope couldn't stop coughing.
I don't think there is anything more pitiful than when your kids throw up. Like I say, GOD LOVE EM'
Just blame it on my child. Hope they both get feeling better soon.
SO PITIFUL when they just lay there, lethargic. It breaks my heart. I'm glad they seem to be better and I'm praying no one else gets it! :)
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