Friday, November 22, 2013

Phone dump

Working and blogging, do not always go hand-n-hand.

 Or maybe it's because I go to bed so freakishly early, and if I could just manage to stay awake, oh say, past TEN, I might be able to do more posts. 

But I have come to a conclusion: something has to give

So at times, it will be my blog posts. 

I decided tonight to do a phone dump of sorts, mostly pics from my Instagram account, but one other treasure thrown in too. 

Some of our family members aren't on Instagram, and I know they would like seeing these pictures too. 

Nathan posted this pic last week, and I almost lost my cookies. Please tell me I can reach in this picture and pick up that little girl....

Because in just a few short years, they change so much.

 I'm so fortunate that I work for a great boss! She let me leave so I could have a special lunch with Hope yesterday for Thanksgiving. It was pretty yummy, but portion sizes could have fed an Olsen twin.

Which I really know ticked Paul off, he called me and said "that was enough to just make me angry."

And here's the other treasure.....

Color me proud!

And lastly, this is pretty much a motto.

Have a great Friday!


Susie said...

Great job Pierce!!

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

Awesome!!! Those are treasures!!!

Tracey said...

Funny about the serving sizes. ;)

Amish you.