Let me explain something about my dad.....he's an APPLE fanatic!!! I don't mean the fruit either. You know like Steve Job's, apple logo, I mean seriously full out. I can't really describe it, except that instead of a football team that he roots for, he roots for MAC. Soooo, much to his disappointment I'm sure, we've had PC's for the last couple years. With the impending move, a gift he gave to us, was a new Apple computer. He wants me "all set up" when I'm down there. Of course most of what he's saying to me sounds Japanese, but I know it's a very nice computer, and that I'm super grateful. So, my first post here is a thank you to my dad. I'm super excited!!! Thank you "Daddy Mac" ;-)
Oh, and just cause they're cute....

It's a free computer, it doesn't matter what it is. I'm sure it will be difficult to get used to. You need to channel your inner creativity now.
Ok I totally thought this post was gonna b about me. :(
A Mac? Uhm that's like a totally different language. Good luck w/ it. But like jll said-it's a free computer-so suck it up & accept the challenge. Besides-you'll need something to fill your days when you move away......... :)
Your kids are so beautiful. Great pics. And I ♥ Macs. : )
Beautiful children Gretchen!!!
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