One of the things I wanted to do for Pierce's birthday was go eat lunch with him at school, and take treats for his whole class. You know, bribe all the kids into liking me with sugar ;) So, off I went to eat with a group of kindergartners. Like any good obnoxious mom, I brought my camera. I thought I could just take loads and loads of pics, uh, I got shot down. Pierce about died. I mean really?? He's just 6, and he's already embarrassed of him mom?? Well, maybe not of me, but he sure didn't want me making him smile and pose. So, like any good paparazzi, I got an unflattering pose and here it is for memories sake ;)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Sometimes a mom just has to be sneaky.
Little Girls.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
My boy.
Another year older!!! Such big stuff now, I mean you are 6!!! You are in Kindergarten, and when I pick you up, your feet reach my knees now!! I would imagine 10 more pounds and I wont even be able to pick you up anymore, but you can still sit in mommy's lap, for as long as you want!! You are my firstborn, and I learned about this whole mommy thing with you. It was hard to become a mommy, and you were such a fussy baby!! ;) It was all worth it though. You are my boy. I love you with all of my heart and soul, I have a very soft spot for you. You are such a good boy!! So, well behaved and still have a tender heart. You still love animals, and you are SOOO much like your daddy.
Pierce Matthew Bush, you make my heart.....beat. I love you!!!!!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Pierce's first day of school, round two.
The week we moved down here all the schools were on fall break, for the entire week. The following week, Paul and I were finishing our school tours and finally made a decision. I wasn't sure how much I wanted to talk about this decision, or maybe I should say the *torture* I went through, making up my mind. So, this is what I'll say....this was the hardest thing for me about the move....of course, leaving my family and friends was incredibly hard, but I'm a big girl....knowing my little boy had to be uprooted from school was killing me. So, on Monday we sent him to a new school. A school where I don't know a single soul, but just had to trust that God has him in His hands. I must have cried a bucket of tears, but Pierce has done GREAT. He's taken right to it, and I'm so relieved. I even went and had lunch with him today, more about that later!!!
He picked out his outfit for the first day ;)
Oh, and his class has a mascot..."Harvey the hippo" Since it was his first day, he got to bring him home. Here's some fun with Harvey :)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
It only took 2 weeks and I was back.
That's right, I made it 2 weeks, and we hit the road back to good ol' Southern Indiana. Paul had plans for months to go backpacking with some of his buddies this past weekend, these plans were set up well before we knew we would move. Once I realized he would be leaving for a few days, I knew I wouldn't stay here a weekend just me and the kids, when we don't know anyone. PLUS, a certain wonderful little boy is turning 6 very soon, so I knew we could celebrate with my family while we were down there. So, me and the kids loaded up on Friday, and headed back to the land that flows with milk and honey....
Friday night I got to go have sushi with my sis, since a certain BFF watched my kids for me, thanks Tracey ;) Then Saturday we had a playdate at Bob Hedge park.....
Then on Sunday, we celebrated little man's 6th birthday. He's not 6 yet, so I'll save my sap, gag, induced post for later ;)
So, here I am, trying to pose with my kids, while "Tyra Banks" would rather strike a pose. Seriously, she's too much. ;)
Hope with her Neena.
Soooo ready to dive in!!!
Camo rules in this house.
His toy taste has really started to change. Trans Formers, Star more little kids stuff for my big guy!!!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
They do have teeth in Kentucky!!!
I'm back up and running!! Since Thursday things have been a blur. First let me tell you about how I thought we were getting punked. Paul left on Thursday with some of his buddies to go pick up our U-Haul. The plan was to go get a bunch of our stuff in storage on Thursday, load up the truck on Friday, and then leave for Bowling Green on Saturday. Sounds like a good plan to me!! Well, when Paul gets back to the apartment on Thursday, he came without a U-Haul. Not good. Long story short, the company made a mistake on when we were to pick up the truck. GULP. Paul called around to several other companies, not a one had a truck. CRAP!! There for about 6-8 hours, we weren't going to be able to move as planned. I was *somewhat* excited about the idea of staying another week, but also knew I needed to get this done. Kind of like ripping of a band-aid, just do it!!! Well Friday morning, Paul called several places, and they all had nothing. But lo and behold, the last place he called, EUREKA. The move was back on....
So, here is it, the truck that saved us.
The kids were stoked about moving. Don't you wish you could wear a Tinkerbell costume and a camo hat??
Hope's exact words "I love moving" Geesh, I would too, if I was 3!!!
Who else do you have drive the mammoth truck, other than Mr. Transportation Man himself!!!
First bath in our new place!!!
Now, it's Sunday...we got up and went outside for a little play time. It was chilly!!!
So, I hope I don't offend any Kentucky peeps out there with my title ;) Not only do they have teeth here, they also have good places to eat!!
Little cutie...
Oh, and I'll finish with this!! Standing in front of a Christmas tree!!! It's coming fast people!!!
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