So, I married a hunter. UNBELIEVABLE. I never was a fan of hunting, but it's in his blood and he loves it. Now we go to Michigan every year in November for "opening day" which happens to fall on my birthday too. Of course this is a good reason to go see his parents and for me to relax, but the main reason is so my man can shoot Bambi. Thought I'd share a few pics (I actually have lots more and I will share later) here are a few of my son, (whom I believe will also be a hunter, YIKES) and Hope (still unseen what she will think of hunting).....................BEWARE, IF DEAD DEER BOTHER YOU DO NOT LOOK AHEAD...........
My cutie pie ready to go....

Hope ready for the cold!!

The "hunter" after his kill....
This "hunter" wants nothing to do with it....
"Shooting" the deer!!
Petting the poor dead deer...
SHe was fine with those things from a distance!
Passed out on the way back to Indiana.
OMG - poor Hopie!!
That must be terrifying for a one year old.
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