The kids were up and at em' bright and early this morning. It's funny though, I was just as excited as them and it didn't seem to hurt getting up so early ;)
I think I took over 60 pics, I wont bore you with them all, just a few of another wonderful Christmas.
This was the kids at 5:00 tonight. They were out COLD.
Back track.......Christmas was waiting for them bright and early....

He got his YO-YO ;)
She got her pink baby ;)
Lots and lots of opening...
More opening!!!
Now at great-grandma's house......Oh yeah, Hope was channeling her inner RUN-DMC, rocking her gold chain ;)
What is with the kids weird smiles these days????
Me and Rico.
Got to love a real fire, ahhhhhh.
Now the kids are in bed, and mommy and daddy are ready to crash. I hope everyone had a blessed day!!!!
Merry Christmas! I'm totally jealous of the real fire, it was too warm here today for a real fire.
your kids have the cutest cheeks i've ever seen! :) i bet you kiss those things a million times a day....i know i would!
I love Hope rockin' the gold chain! Cute!! Looks like you guys had a fun Christmas. I love it when the kids get so worn out and konk out in their car seats...too cute! :)
I love christmas. What fun no matter where you are.
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