First of all, what did I tell you about a purse hangin' from the bars??

Second, will he need therapy for me taking 100's of pictures of him riding his sister's pink tricycle??
And last thing I need to tell you....yesterday the kids asked me "How did we get in your belly" .....WHAT, I THINK MY EARS ARE BLEEDING, I CANNOT HEAR YOU. That is what I wanted to say, instead I stared off into space, while my brain raced for answers. Thankfully, I was saved by the thoughts of my almost 3 year old, who changed the subject and told me "she was scared in my belly" Shew, I have avoided that topic of conversation for at least a little longer....

Onto another thing that I need to tell you that has no rhyme or reason here.....Pierce can now tie his shoes. Whatever, just one step closer to not wanting/needing his mama anymore.
And last thing I need to tell you....yesterday the kids asked me "How did we get in your belly" .....WHAT, I THINK MY EARS ARE BLEEDING, I CANNOT HEAR YOU. That is what I wanted to say, instead I stared off into space, while my brain raced for answers. Thankfully, I was saved by the thoughts of my almost 3 year old, who changed the subject and told me "she was scared in my belly" Shew, I have avoided that topic of conversation for at least a little longer....
#1-I love how Hope has the purse on the bars. If I EVER go ANYWHERE w/out my purse I feel like I'm missing an appendage. Just sayin'..
#2-Pierce on the PINK big wheel (are they still called big wheels?), YES he will be scarred. Mom took pics of me when I was maybe 3 NAKED in the tub w/ my 16 month younger brother who was FULLY clothed. I still have nightmares.
#3-How'd the kids get in your belly? hahahahahahahahaha BREATHE hahahahahahaha! PUH-LEEZ post when you come up w/ an answer!
GREAT post! :)
yep - that was random :-)
so how did they get in your belly?
Funny stuff Gretchen!
love the randomness!! :)
Ha!! Kids are hilarious. I think it's funny that Hope is more curious than Pierce. Oh just wait... She'll be asking ALL kinds of stuff pretty soon. Then you can practice and train me what to say! HA!
(Um, BTW, the pic of P on the pink tricycle makes me feel better about old pics of Levi pushing a pink baby stroller!)
Love it! Like you, I am not looking forward to THE conversation. Aaahhh! They grow up too fast!
Love this posting! I had pictures taken of Reece when he was about 18 months of his 3 b's....beads, broom and basketball. He may need therapy for those! And, he pushed around a pink stroller for a LONG time! And, well, he thinks that the doctor opened up my belly with scissors to get Janie out. I dread the days that we really have to answer those question!
Keep up the aweomse post! They always brighten my day.
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