Sunday, May 16, 2010

Don't judge me.

So, I'm about to tell you guys a deep, dirty little secret. (Well it's not a secret to everyone) But here I am, about to spill it out to blogger-land.....

Are you ready??

Hope is done with her paci.

Yep, my daughter took her paci until she was 3 years old. Over 3 years old really. I can hear the gasps. I know, I know, it's old to take a paci, but well, what can I say? I'm a wimp about those kind of things.

Taking it away has actually gone really well. Now, she still has her "blankey" and let me tell you, I will not be taking that away!!! I don't care if she's a grown woman with her blankey. (cause I've known grown women like that, cough, cough)

So, there it is, my confession. Shew, I feel better ;)


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

awwww!! jake still takes his and i think it's stinkin' cute!! daniel has been on me to take it away but he is sooooo excited when he sees it. he loves that thing. he calls it a tootie! any tips would be appreciated. what did you do to take it away?

Jill said...

I was the mom trying to get her little guy to take a paci and he would just spit it out. . .didn't want anything to do with it. A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do. It's survival! ;)

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

ha ha jill!! we were the same way with sam! he wouldn't have anything to do with it!

Arthur Family said...

No judgement, silly lady! We all have our kid things are hard to get rid of!

Jaime Mac said...

Ya know, if you hadn't told me 3 was too old - I would've never know. Now I can totally judge your mothering skills! :) Is she potty trained yet loser?! ;)

Tracey said...

What the heck is wrong with a grown woman still having a blankie??