Pierce's first year playing was last year, and I can tell a huge difference in just one year. He doesn't need the "t" to hit the ball and he's really beginning to understand the fundamentals of the game. I'm not gonna lie....I think t-ball, or baseball, are both pretty brutal, but Pierce said he wanted to play, so if my boy wants to play, he'll play.
Ready for some action.

T-ball brutal? Oh my Gretchen, just wait till he wants to play football.
Okay, let me explain what I mean by "brutal" Not that they are brutal to each other, but that I find any baseball sport brutal. I don't enjoy the sport in general. ;)
so fun though! i love watching them play!! where does he play? i like that they pray before the game.
He plays at Graceland. Even though I don't enjoy baseball, I do like watching the little ones, it's always a riot ;)
Ginmommy-totally w/ ya on the sports thang. I don't do sports. Can't wait for the blog off on 'our favorite sports'.
Also-did you notice when they're all on the bench that they are kinda in number order? 10, 9, 8...was that planned or just a happy accident?! :)
Fun! My nephew is playing t-ball. I agree, it is hilarious! Love the pic of Hope and Pierce! ♥
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