Anywho, we went and hit the courts yesterday. I'm 35 years old now, and well, people it wasn't pretty. Balls were flying everywhere, but thank goodness we have two little spawn that are willing to run in 800 degree heat to fetch all our balls. Here's the crazy thing tho, I want to go play again!! It was actually quite fun, so who knows, watch out Stefi Graf.... Oh, and the pics leave a little to be desired. I had a 5 year old taking them of me ;)
This was my opponent. Look at that form, I finally had to yell at him and make him play like he was hitting with an elderly woman.

Yeah, trying to look like I know what to do.
Hi-larious. I don't even see a ball anywhere....just my booty...

Oh yeah, more of my backside. Nice.

Hi-larious. I don't even see a ball anywhere....just my booty...

Oh yeah, more of my backside. Nice.
This is hilarious! I'll play somtime, although I refuse to play in 85+ degree weather while pregnant, so we may have wait a while :)
ha ha ha ha!! my husband played. his mom is a tennis coach. i don't play with any of them. they are way too good for me!! :)
This is laugh out loud funny! I love that you had Pierce taking pics. That's a dedicated blogger, I tell ya...dedicated... :)
Please have him go next time - I want to see (critique) any improvments...
Awesome. Next time you should wear a tennis skirt and a visor. :) I used to love playing tennis. Now days, not too sure how pretty it would be!
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