Sunday, July 8, 2012

A bit about our weekend. And a bit about an incident at the pool.

We've had another REALLY laid back weekend. (laid back is my cover word for boring by the way.) 

Actually, it wasn't all boring, Brittany saved the day yesterday with a text....

B: Hey, you and Hope want to meet me for a pedicure?

G: Yes! I would love to get out for a while!

So, off just the girls went for some fun girlie time. 

Hope was very excited. This is only the second time she's ever had this done, it's def a rare treat. 

You know how it is when you paint little one's toes or fingers, it only stays on about a nano second. 

 Unfortunately, the air wasn't working where we went, so Brittany and I were all kinds of hot and sweaty.

But we sucked it up, so this one could get pink toes, with white polka dots.

Totally worth the flop sweat.

Pierce was happy to stay home with daddy and play video games, and Layton was with is daddy at ball game. So, it was a sweet night of time with the babies.

And somehow Brittany and I managed to not get a single picture of us, just the babies. Maybe that had something to do with the fact that we were sweating all night and had no makeup on. We were the very definition of two hawt chicks out on a Saturday night.

So, there you have our riveting Saturday night!

Not much here today either, church and then lunch out. Alicia when I took these pictures of Pierce, I totally thought about your "Healthy Living" posts, and just how NOT healthy this is. HA!

We kept trying to see just how far we could get the fried cheese to stretch out....

Impressive! Oh, and yummy too!

And sometimes I swear this child is ME. Of course, she's her own person, but we are so alike in so many ways.

She always asks me to listen to music. And then she BELTS IT OUT, VERY LOUDLY. Along with dance moves, hand gestures, and so much expression. I've always been SOOOOO into music, and movement, so watching her enjoy it too, makes me happy.

Speaking of Hope, I wanted to get something off my chest that happened at the pool the other day.

We were there swimming, and as I many times do, I started up a conversation with someone I don't know. She was a really friendly woman, and we just talked about our kids, etc. But then she asked me something, IN FRONT OF HOPE, that totally bothered me.

Random lady: "So, has she always been chubby?" (speaking of Hope)

Yes. This woman asked me, in front of Hope, HAS SHE ALWAYS BEEN CHUBBY.

It completely shocked me, and took me off guard. I think I mumbled something like, "yeah, she's always been built like that."

My gut reaction was sadness for Hope, and praying that she didn't catch what the lady said. All women deal with body issues, or at least every woman I've ever known has, but I certainly don't want my 5 year old questioning her body. And thankfully, she didn't even understand what the lady said.

I have said plenty of times to other moms about their babies things like, "oh look at those cheeks." And who knows, maybe that's hurtful to the moms? I don't know.

But the way this woman worded it, well, it was just bothersome. And made me aware that I can't always protect my kids, from IDIOTS. My daughter is not chubby, but what if she were? So what of it?    I don't know, maybe I'm overreacting? But I can tell you this. It hurt my feelings.


Susie said...

Wow I can't believe someone would say that about Hope!! She is such a pretty little girl!!

HilaryFarris said...

My first thought the other day when you tweeted about what the lady asked you, was.. What was she thinking? The obvious answer is, she wasn't! Because Hope is far from chubby, she is a beautiful little girl! Hugs to you! P.S. I love the picture of Pierce stretching the cheese as far as he could! So funny!!

Hillary said...

You should have said "Have you always had no class?" :/ Seriously? Who says crap like that?? Hope is gorgeous and beautiful and perfect!!


Jami said...

Now I know you know she is not chubby, but I see where this would totally bother you. It's so disrespectful and you are right, we don't need to add the body issues girls already face.

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

1. Those pictures of the cheese are sooo funny!!! They do look kinda yummy to me!

2. I can't believe that woman would say that. How inappropriate!

Angie said...

Great photos- doesn't look like things have been too boring to me!

I was at a soccer game once and a lady who does a "kids fitness program" approached a friend of mine and her daughter. I think her daughter was maybe 3 at the time. She was a bigger kid but that wasn't none of the lady's business. She plainly said "Why don't you bring her to the program, she is obviously overweight". It broke my heart for my friend and her daughter. People can be so harsh. Sorry this happened to you and I agree it was totally inappropriate. Sometimes you just have to overlook ignorance. Some people just don't know better

Jaime Mac said...

Uhm yea-you already know how I feel about that sucky woman at the pool. Get the keys... :)

Cindy said...

Seriously! How dare her! Crazy Lady!

pambush said...

I think that woman was totally RUDE and I agree with everyone else - Hope is far from chubby. Plus any Mom should know that even if she were - all kids go thru that when they are getting ready for a growth spurt. That's the way God made us. Again - Hope is not chubby AND I love her toes. :) Brings back memories. Love and miss you guys.

Jill said...

I am so shocked someone would say something like that to a mom about her kid. Seriously? That is just plain mean.