Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Being a mom.

Being a mom is hard. It just is. Working mom, stay at home mom, new mom, old mom, whatever mom, it's just hard. There are those days when I literally feel as though I am spinning my wheels, you know just never really getting anywhere. Sometimes I huff and puff, and lose perspective and get caught up in my own feelings, wondering just how tired a mom can get. These aren't my pretty mom moments, I hate that I get this way, but I do.

It never fails though, God shows me these little things that always put my job back in perspective.

A tired mom ready for bed, going through my head all that I need to do. When I see this collection of shoes at the end of my bed. Immediately tears welled up in my eyes!!! All at once I remember my children are only little once, one day I will crave picking up these sweet little shoes, and miss my babies playing all day long and making messes.
So instead of picking all this up, I put it neatly at the end of my bed and took pictures. Just to remind myself to not get caught up, and just enjoy being a mom. I know I'm gonna miss these days.....


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

thanks for the tears! :) i think all the time "you gonna miss this...." more tears! thanks for the reminder!!

Susie said...

You are so true. You will miss it some day!!

Arthur Family said...

Wow...I just went through this earlier today! Thanks for posting it! It brough tears to my eyes!

Jill said...

One of the best pieces of advice a guy from church gave us before we had Kade was, "enjoy the messes". We didn't realize at the time that he told us this that he had lost his daughter at a young age. I think about that so much. It all goes by so so fast. This was such a sweet post. Thanks for sharing your heart. ♥

Tracey said...

**tears** Kids are precious! <3