Well, we made it to snow day #8!! We finally did end up with some snow, so that made for some fun play. I felt kinda guilty about complaining about snow days. I do love having them both home, it's just hard when it's cold and your cooped up. I was happy when I could actually get them out for some snow fun, and I even thought of another idea to entertain them....
I wonder who the first person was to think of doing this?? "Hey, I'll lay down and make an angel" HA!

Timeless fun ;-)

So, here was my grand idea....pull out the mattress and let the kids roll down in for hours of fun. HA! It worked like a charm I tell ya! They did this for hours.


Lastly, let me tell you the wonders of skype. Yeah, i know it's been around a long time, but we've just started using it. How cool is it to sit in your living room, and see your family that lives in Michigan and Florida (and maybe one day my Indiana peeps) Chatting with Meemaw and Grandpa....how cool is technology!!!!
How cool are you for letting them do that!! Looks like they had fun.
Cute pics! I still can't see us skyping!! "Cute hair" "thanks" "I like your shirt" "thanks" "I have a new zit" "awesome" LMBO!! ;)
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