**Well, I guess I spoke too soon about the van. On Tuesday, Hope and I were running errands and at the post office, the van quit working again!!! The same exact thing it did on Sunday. For the love of pete. Had it towed again, and found out that the alternator is bad and needs to be replaced. Oh the joys of an older vehicle, but I'm still grateful for that van.
**I haven't mentioned that Hope starts school next week!!! Funny, how different things are with her than Pierce. I never sent Pierce to pre-school at all, I just did it all myself, but Hope is a social creature and wants to go. I'm excited and she's excited. She asks me almost everyday, "can I start school today?" It's just a couple days a week, just enough for both of us ;) Also, I want to document that she has starting speaking sometimes in a southern accent. Only a few months and the South is taking her in. It's pretty cute!
**We have reached snow day 11.5!!! I've never seen anything like it, but as you can see the kids don't mind....
Preschool? You are going to get some alone time? You deserve it, enjoy yourself.
Love the pictures of the kiddos sleeping Nothing cuter than children sleeping!!
That sucks about the van! Hopefully a new altenator will fix ya right up!
I'm like JLL-you're going to have a couple days a week...alone? Whatever shall you do with yourself?! ;)
11.5 snow days?! Wow! I thought me having to make up 3 was bad. ;) Love me some sleeping baby pics, too! And I love that Pierce still sleeps with one. Sweet boys. ♥
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