This past weekend, I traveled up to the promised land so I could have a fun weekend with my BFF. We haven't had much of an opportunity to do much since I moved, so we were super excited. Our husbands were sweet enough to give us the weekend, it was a nice break. Tracey and I have our things we like to do. We like to shop, eat, hang out with our other best friends, watch chick flicks etc., BUT this time we threw in something different for us. We did the Anthem 5k. This really isn't like us, but it was fun, even though we felt kinda out of place, with all the "real" athletes around us ;) However, we finished!!! Even if it was in the back with all the wheelchairs, old people and children, HA!
On Friday night, I stayed at Eric and Tracey's. I got Levi's room, and a sweet surprise waiting on my bed :-) Felt like I was at a B&B, it was super cute. The card was addressed to "Mrs. Rico Bush"
We met up with Jami Leigh Lee, and it was so fun!!! I miss Jami :( She brought her handsome little man, and we sat and talked for and hour and a half. Felt like old times.
Like I said, we ATE. Always a common theme with us. After we had rested after our 'exhausting' morning, we got back out to do more of what we love to do.....Exhibit B.
And the thing that brings me joy right up there with eating......SHOPPING.
Can't you just see Tracey wearing this hat on the beach this summer?!?! Too cute.

We ended the night with Starbucks, cookies and chick flicks.