Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy Weekend.

We've had a great weekend!! You know as a stay at home mom, you would think the weekends would be no different than the week, but they are!! I still get all excited for the weekends, even though they are much different than my weekends used to be, they are still fun ;)

We have had lots of company lately, first Tracey came for a visit, then my parents, and we had another special visitor this weekend (more on that later) and Paul's parents will be here next week. I love visitors!!! :-)

What have we done this weekend??

Lots of this right here.
Having a pool where we live has been great!! We go almost daily. The kids absolutely LOVE it, and check out Pierce, he's really doing great swimming...

I still want to get him into swimming lessons, but I'm surprised how much he's taken off. By the end of the summer, I think he'll be a little champ!

We also had Pierce's awards at karate. Little man starts his new class on Monday, and he's ready!!!
Off with the old belt....
Getting his new one!!

You think he had a little sun lately?? ;) His certificate says "Little Dragons Graduate" But the big event of the weekend???

Aunt Jo-Jo came for a visit!! She hasn't been here since we moved, so we were very happy to have her!! Kids must have said her name 689 times this weekend, and lots of tears over her leaving :(
My favorite part of having her here (or whoever else visits) I don't have to split my time. I can just focus on that one person, it's nice. Funny, growing up we were not close at.all. We had 6 years between us, and different as can be. But once we had kids, we became close, it's good to have a sister!! :)
We even seem to do more silly things on the weekends, like blow up the air mattress and let the kids have at it!!

:-)Maybe because we're more relaxed on weekends, kids imagination even seem to work better ;)Yes, it's been a happy weekend, indeed!!


Susie said...

It is funny how you can get close with a sister when there is kids involved. That is what happened to me too. Good to see that you are getting visitors because it has to be hard being away from everyone.Glad to see that you are having fun weekends.

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

LOVE the air mattress and LOVE the green dress!! yeah for a great weekend!!

Jami said...

Awwww what a fun weekend!!! And look at you hot momma, getting some sunshine!!!

Arthur Family said...

I am so envious of your pool access! Sounds like you guys are having a blast!

Brittany said...

Love that they enjoyed the mattress - isn't it the little things that make them happy!!

Love your recaps - your blog is too cute, full of really cute kiddos!! :)

Guess I should go to sleep - see you in the a.m!

Tracey said...

YAY! I'm glad Jo got down for a visit!! :) I've found that the best way to visit you is to come there, without kids, and wisk you away!! Great one on one time. :)

Really cute pics!

Jill said...

Sounds like a GREAT summer weekend!