I had not been back to paradise since July! I do think that has been my longest stretch since moving. There was a very important thing that started this whole visit, and I'm glad, because I have missed the land that flows with milk and honey. So, let me fill you in on some good things from the visit.
Spending time with the family.

Watching the kids take great pleasure in the new toys Neena bought for them.

A 2 dollar microphone turned my daughter into a serious performer.

Oh mercy.

Okay, back to good things. New outfits for the kids. How cute is this right here? Pretty darn cute.

Cough. Cough. While the boy filling the clothes is too cute, the outfit?? (Janelle, remember when I saw you at Penny's? You said Jackson was all about Mario?) Well, this is what a certain little boy talked his Neena into.

Bless his little Transformer self.

More good things? My kids seeing their buddies from home. :)

Tracey, I tried my best to A) Get Maggie to look at me B) Smile.

Good thing #984? Spending time with my friends!!!!

Love these girls.

And the good thing that started this whole visit? Celebrating Cameron's 1st birthday, at his fabulous party.

Good family. Good friends. Good times.
Are you at the Roadhouse? Yumm-O! Cooper loves his microphone. Good picture of the three of is and Cameron and me. Thanks again for coming!!!!'
I know I say it all the time...but Hope.cracks.me.up. :)
Good to see that you got to visit the family!!
excuse me? you were in and we didn't hook up. hmpffff (I was out of town anyways) HA
boys and their stages!! girls are so much easier in that way!! princess, fairies, make up, clothes, shoes...done! :) those zebra pants and pink top hope has on are adorable!! please don't tell me where you got it because i may have to get one. :)
Awww, glad you enjoyed home:) Feels good, doesn't it?!
Did I ever tell you how pretty you are - seriously, in all these pics -- so pretty!! :)
I love you and you are good for my soul!!!!! So glad we got some visitin' time in. Love the pic of P & L. Adorable!! And, hilarious how you said "Maggie..." 857 times trying to get her to look at you. ;) I love that your mom bought P at Transformers shirt. Now we are on equal ground!
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