My sister Jo, is good friends with a couple named Mike and Tracy, who happen to have a lake house on Nolin Lake. In the past summers, Jo has spent a lot of time at the lake with them, and has mentioned several times that she would like for us to come down sometime. Sounded fun to me!! This actually materialized into a real plan this time, and we headed down Friday to experience some lake fun.
Other than Paul taking Pierce fishing on a boat in the spring, our kids have never experinced anything like this. Who are we kidding, I've never experinced anything like this, I've lived a sheltered life. More on that later.
Woo hoo!! Who's excited to go to the lake?! Can't you see the palpable energy in the back.

Saturday it was 454 degrees outside, of this I am sure. Before I even had the kids on the dock, I had their life jackets on, you know in case a gust of wind came and swept them in the big bad lake. We were feeling miserable almost right away from the heat, and I knew we had to probably get in that water.

You must know that a trip to the lake was full of chances for me to freak out! Fast boats, cliff diving, dirty water, and snakes! Eek! All should be proud though, I threw my fears to the wind, and went for it with gusto. Oh, and LOTS of screaming, and praying to Jesus.
You know what stinks about doing water stuff though? You can't take your camera with you, so a lot of the things I did, I didn't get pictures of. After we dropped Hope back off at the dock, Jo took me out for some more time on the jet ski. I do believe she saw this as the time to pay me back for being a bratty sister for so many years, by the time the trip was finished I had lost my voice, and she had lost her hearing. I had a blast!!
Also, Paul took Pierce out on a jet ski too, but I couldn't get any pictures, so sad!! I was watching Paul fly around with my first born, oh heaven help me. Pierce loved it!!
First up, I agreed to putting my life in the hands of my sister. You see the little head in between us? Hope went too, and she LOVED it. I was crying out for Jesus to take the wheel, and she was laughing her head off.
You know what stinks about doing water stuff though? You can't take your camera with you, so a lot of the things I did, I didn't get pictures of. After we dropped Hope back off at the dock, Jo took me out for some more time on the jet ski. I do believe she saw this as the time to pay me back for being a bratty sister for so many years, by the time the trip was finished I had lost my voice, and she had lost her hearing. I had a blast!!
After our time on jet ski's we all loaded up on the boats, and headed to this place here. Do you see those INSANE people up there? Okay, maybe I'm the insane one, but I like to think they are. Anyways, they climb up this cliff thingy, and jump 30 feet into the water.
All the boats were tied up, and there were basically two choices. 1) Jump from the cliff to an inenvitable death. 2) Swim so you don't burn alive from the heat. Seeing as I would not be jumping or any of my offspring would be jumping, it was time to swim in that icky lake water.
Here we all are!! If we're going to get some crazy water borne illness, let's all get it together!!
Later in the evening we went out to go tubing. We made the mistake of letting Hope watch the bigger kids go first. Those kids were being flung all around, and after that she had no desire to do it. She love the boat ride though!!
Surprisingly, Pierce still wanted to do it! He had a blast!!
I also tubed after the kids. I'm afraid there might be some black mail worthy photos surfacing later.

Later in the evening we went out to go tubing. We made the mistake of letting Hope watch the bigger kids go first. Those kids were being flung all around, and after that she had no desire to do it. She love the boat ride though!!

I'm so glad that I swallowed all my crazy fears and just went with it. I had a really good time. It was nice to spend that time with Jo and the boys, and with Paul.
Besides, I would have never experienced this sweet moment had I not gone.
Thanks Jo for inviting us down, and thanks Mike and Tracy for being so gracious.

Looks like a great weekend! Way to brave your fears. Don't feel bad about being sheltered. I was too!
Oh my goodness look at you being all grown up! I'm glad you surpressed your fears of death & dismemberment to have a good time with your fam. I will say the cliff jumpers ARE freaking crazy. Now-I've jumped things like that w/ b-rad years ago...but I was younger & didn't realize I could die or be dismembered.
That house is GORGEOUS & it looks like you all had a wonderful time! Great post as always. :)
Love this post - Love that house!! And I love that you conquered your fears:) Lake life is addicting - now you are going to return !!
Hopey sleeping on the boat - PRECIOUS!
Glad you knocked your fears and had a good time!!
what a super fun weekend!! i always get a little freaked out myself when water is involved. a pool, i'm good with because i see the bottom. a lake...not so much. i still swim in it and let my kids, but inside i panic at times.
Great post!!! Love that you did this with your fam!! I grew up on a lake and loved every second of it....jet skis, water sports, etc. BUT I still think of scary things that could happen with my babies while we are out there. I think it's a mom thing!
Way to go, momma! Lakes are a little freaky to me because you can't see the bottom. I'm good with even the ocean, but lakes make me nervous, too! Looks like you had a BLAST!:)
Oh man my favorite summer memories involve the reids, boat, and water! love it and miss it.
Good for you guys getting out there. the kids will remember that forever.
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