First up is Pierce.
He is doing GREAT in school, and lately he has taken off. For instance when he gets home from school, literally the minute he walks through the door, he asks to do his math homework, "mom, I love math!!" Considering how much I hate math, and no joke have been stumped a couple times on his math (yes I am that bad at math) this makes me very happy. :) His reading is improving by leaps and bounds as well.
He comes home weekly with prizes for his good behavior. Those pens around his neck are all things he's picked out, this doesn't include the pencils, and candy. Can anyone see my chest puffed up?

Today, she had show and tell at school. This is the book that went along with the one item she wanted to bring.
She's obsessed with this little monkey here, and just HAD to show the class. :)
Hope is doing well with her letters and numbers, and always remains in the "green zone" at school for her good behavior. She LOVES school, and I pray that she always feels so passionate about it!

Here's a little thing I struggle with though. You know I am proud as a peacock over my children, and I want them to know that, but sometimes I worry that they will think I love them based on their performance. I don't want them to feel that way. I always want them to know I love them just for being them. What's the balance?
Good to see that your kids love school. You should be a proud momma!!
go h & p!! you have great kids, really!!!
hmmmmm, hard question.
i (as you know) have struggled with that with my dad i know that he LOVES me no matter what, but i always feel the need to get that ultimate "thumbs up"
hard question. i have no answers:)) if you find out, pass it along!
They are just too super cute, I miss them :(
That is hard, I was always expected to do good, yet was never asked how things were, what was I doing, did I need mom was totally not into what I was doing as long as I brought him an A.
I just think no matter how they do, always praise them. You are a great mom, you have no need to worry :)
Awesome!! I love it!!! It is a hard question. I struggle with the same thing. I try to remember to always tell them to just try their best! Yes, it's hard!
Glad they're both adjusting well in school. I know that's a relief for you.
As far as your struggle, here's my take on it: From a kids perspective (since I have no offspring of my own), I always KNEW my parents loved me (& I lived in a house where we didn't hug, didn't say I love you, didn't do things together, etc.) but I also knew they always expected me to try my best. I don't think there's anything wrong with you making sure the kids know you expect them to do their best. Just be sure to tell them you love them...even when they aren't the best in the class or don't get all those pen necklaces! Sheesh, he's has a collection! :)
Whatevs. You know you love Pierce more because he is uber smart.
Srsly, you are an awesome Mom and they may not even have to go to therapy that much after they are grown and move out! ;) I think most kids struggle with pleasing their parents, but you will find the balance. :) :) <3
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