Monday, February 18, 2013

Sleeping on the couch? A success!

I've really gotten away from my "weekend recaps" as of late, and found myself thinking the other day...hey, I should do that more. Because I know of at least 4 people interested! (Hi parents who birthed us!) 

So, why not take stab at this weekend? It was an average, run-of-the-mill kinda weekend.

We are down to the wire with the kids games, with only two left. I'm kinda looking forward to it being over, but I guess we'll just roll into something else. 

This time instead of just taking pics of the games, I took some video with the ol' iPhone, and I decided I should try loading the videos through YouTube. I think doing that means you can watch them on your phones. Well, I think anyways. I'm so behind on technology, I had to ask Twitter for help. Oy. 

Oh, and forgive my big fat loud mouth. 

And if I've done this wrong, please feel free to tell me how to do it. 

Okay, but our weekend.

Yes, run-of-the-mill. 

AKA= not much going on.

Well, except for a tre' cute birthday party on Saturday afternoon that Hopie and I went to. 

But Paul and I did decide to treat the kids to something on Saturday night.

We got some special movie popcorn..

And watched a movie they had never seen.

This means lots of snuggles...

And mommy doing her best to:

A) Pay attention, because sometimes movies lose her

B) Stay awake if said movie does lose her

Check out my photo-editing here!  Do we look hip and artistic, or just dark and weird?

But yes, we snuggled...

And ask me how much I love this? He still not too big to sit on his lap, and well, I adore that. 

And I'm still not too big to flop myself down and demand a foot rub.

But the BIG event of the night??

Well, Pierce has been asking begging us for weeks, to let him stay up late and fall asleep on the couch. So, Saturday night was finally the night! After the movie was finished, we let him stay up and play some Xbox and just chill, and he was THRILLED.

With the climax of the night?

The opportunity to fall asleep on the couch, and stay there an ENTIRE night.

And only one thing stood in his way.....

But once that obstacle was removed, it's safe to say....

THE SLEEP ON THE COUCH EVENT, was a success!! 


Tracey said...

1) I see you staring on an episode (or season) of Dance Moms. ;)

2) Movie popcorn rocks!

3) Love that Pierce has been asking to sleep on the couch. That's awesome.

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

I love that video of Hope!!! So cute!!!! Cute of Pierce sleeping on the couch! I laugh at what they get in their heads! :)

Jami said...

Super cute that Pierce wanted to sleep on the couch. So fun!

Susie said...

He is growing up when Pierce ask to sleep on the couch! How cute!!

Lynne and Nick said...

Yeah.....the videos posted! :) Cuties!

Jill said...

I LOVE that you got movie popcorn. I used to do this in college all the time with friends. We'd get it and watch movies at our house. Adorable that Pierce wanted to sleep on the couch.

Jessica said...

Looks like a fun movie night. I'm like you , I can never stay awake during movies either.

melanie said...

this may sound funny, but look how big his feet are on the couch pic. You see kids grow and you say oh how tall they are. but you forget about all of them growing. Corbin has such little feet (still in size 13) and you can tell how tall pierce must be getting by his feet growing.