Long after Pierce's birthday we are STILL celebrating!!! Yesterday we met my parents for lunch and a little party since they were on vacation when we had his party. He got lots of adorable clothes and his favorite?? The animals that came from out West, he loves them!!! Thanks mom and dad for lunch and the gifts.
Also today after weeks of trying we finally had a play date with Jami and Cooper. He got another present!!!! He's beginning to think anywhere he goes there will be a gift for him ;) ALSO on Halloween night Levi gave him a BUNCH of animals, which he adores!! I forgot to take a picture, but thanks Levi for the gift!!! Pierce is a very blessed little boy!!!
Neena and Pierce.
"Oh boy....what could it be???"
Clothes....he actually enjoys getting new clothes!!!!

Having a deep conversation with Papaw about animals.....
His animals lined up....
Gift from Cooper....a dinosaur race track, what fun!!!!!!!!
"Say cheese Cooper"
Thanks everyone for all the love you show my little boy!!!!
Your little boy left an anmial at my house. Maybe I can give it back to you the next time we see each other... January or February sound good?
Cute, cute! Happy Birthday,again, Pierce! Hope it was a fun one!!
five! wow! the animals are great. Corbin likes his safari animals.
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