All the hard work of being pregnant, sleepless nights, time interrupted, and just general giving up of self, is starting to pay off....
Look who I've got doing the laundry.

Yep, our stuff doesn't match, I know, kind of ghetto.

In all seriousness, Pierce is very eager to help me these days and I love it. I'm not sure when the shift happens and it becomes a fight, but for now I am enjoying having a helper ;)
HAHA!! Love the title! :)
I've always pondered on all the reasons NOT to have kids. This may be the ONLY reason I can think of to have them. Making them do stuff... Like you can tell them to go get you a cool refreshing beverage when you don't feel like it. But alas, as you say, one day - there will be violence...
I loved the days when she was a little toddler and you would hand her something to put in the garbage and she would smile at you and eagerly rush off to do as your bidding...then she grew up.
Cooper loves to help me load the washer, of course he also like to throw the newly dryed clothes back in the washer, or sometimes a magnet or toy.
Send him my way!
Seriously, that's great that you're teaching him things like that! ;)
Um, does Paul have pink underwear yet??? :) Little slaves, ahem, I mean helpers are awesome!! Love their dedication to want to help Mama & Daddy with hard stuff...using the dust buster, laundery, dishwasher, re-doing the flower beds...WHAT?? Don't judge... :)
Oops...I meant laundry. I'm really not that ghetto!
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