Well, we are all about (okay maybe me not so much, cause animals get killed, which makes me all nervous and sad) but I like all the education, and it's beautifully done. The kids, especially Pierce, really love it. So, after it aired last Sunday, Paul made a bribe with Pierce, "if you are good all week, we will let you stay up late Sunday night and watch it"
Wouldn't you know I used that bribe all week. It was my friend. "You'd better straighten up, or you don't get to stay up late Sunday night" Kind of like a Santa in the middle of Spring, "be good, or you get nothing" tee hee....
So, this has bribe thing has worked to our advantage all week long, then on Sunday we said "hey, we're staying up late tonight, better take a nap"
Yep, this was our Sunday miracle. Little man does not nap anymore. Amazing what an animal show will do to this boy.

"Pierce you've been good all week, you get to stay up late buddy"

His moment arrived....
I think he thought it was worth all that extra being good stuff ;)

I think he thought it was worth all that extra being good stuff ;)

Then the popcorn tossin' started.....daddy started us off....
Little man was pretty good...

Little man was pretty good...
We've been watching that too. I like it, but I really wish Oprah wouldn't have been the narrarator.
Yeah, I know you've got no love for Oprah ;) It does get old listening to them talk about "evolution" as well, but it's a good teaching time for us parents.
that pic of you is too funny! :)
Sooo funny! I think that should be your fb profile pic!! TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU. :)
What a great family night! And, hey, that's why I had kids...to bribe them :)
Have you seen any cornish hens on the Life show? Hee hee
I heard one hen fell in the hands of hunter Paul. :)
#1-I don't like shows where animals get hurt, either. I've never seen Milo & Otis bc I don't like that they are far from home & can't find their way back...tear..
#2-OMG, you & I & Jami Leigh Lee agree on something! I.don't.like Oprah. Shock & awe!!!
#3-very funny post, btw - bribery is a necessary tool. Use it, embrace it, love it...
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