Well I do.
Hear me out......I compare where each of their strengths are, and who develops which strength when. I do not compare in the fact, that either one is better than the other. They each will excel in their own areas at different rates. So, with that said, my little girl has taken to writing much sooner than her brother did, not because she is smarter or better, it's just an area she's takin' a shinin' to....
So, before the age of 3, Hope can write her name :)

thats good!! how old is she??
Alicia, she will be 3 on April 16. She's known how to do each of the individual letters for a while now, but finally figured out how to get them in a "row" to spell out her name ;)
that's great! sam has known his letters, sounds, colors, shapes....yadda, yadda, yadda for a couple of years but was never really interested in writing. he has just started wanting to write his name in the last 6 months or so. he was 4 in january. i think it's neat what do and at different times! great job, hope!
Thanks Alicia!! Yeah, Pierce didn't write his name until right before he was 4, but that's okay!! He's also got a lot more sports skills than his sister ;) I agree, it's fun to see how they all develop and when they are ready to tackle the big things, like reading and writing :)
Way to go, Hope! : )
Way to go Hopie!!!!!!!!!! :) Woo hoo!
Wow! How amazing! Potty training and writing her name. Is she going to be the first female president!
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