If any of ya'll have read it, do you remember the story of Tori's mom, going to beach and putting the giant manufactured shells on the beach for Tori to find??
Okay, so I've set the stage...let me tell you the other part of the story....
Pierce has an obsession about "building a collection" From where this began, not really sure. However, we talk about it, oh man, do we talk about it. EVERY DAY....."Mommy when it gets warm I will build my collection"....."In my collection, will be FEATHERS, TEETH, STICKS, and MONEY" ...Over and over, I hear about the FEATHERS...."where can I find feathers mommy?" "what kind of feathers do you think I will find" "when can I go look for my feathers" ....I know that this collection is bizarre, but it is important to my boy, so it's become important to me.
So, let's move to Saturday....shopping in Michael's, looking at all the CRAFTS (gaging thinking about all these crafts I need to do, so I don't suck as a mom) when all of a sudden, there it was, shining like a beacon in the night....FEATHERS..... So, I did it..... I pulled a Candi Spelling.....bought the feathers and placed them in the woods for him to find.....Yes, just call me Candi.
Oh my, what could this be??

What a great idea and of course he'll know you did it out of love. You're a great mama!!!
that is great and you are a GREAT MOM!! don't beat yourself up!!! i totally would have done the same thing!! way to go, mom!!!
That was an awesome idea! If doing crafts defines you as a mom..well..I'm going to mommy hell!
That is adorable! I'm sure his reaction was totally worth it.
Uhm, hello? YES I've read both of Tori's books! I love 'em! (Even tho the 2nd one is about motherhood...don't judge me...) But how funny are you?! I don't know what kind of mom you are, so I'll take everyone elses word for it!:) I think you did a GREAT thing (but come to think of it, I have no offspring so what do I know?!) Just make sure he doesn't find out - that's the key to avoiding therapy! :)
You crack me up and I think you're an awesome momma, too! ;)
ok, girl. these caterpillars that i am doing are SUPER easy!! log onto insectlore.com and you can order the kit. they also sell it at target. it comes with a coupon to order your caterpillars if you get it there. for less than $20 you can have your own science experiment. they come in that little cup and you don't have to do anything until they make their crysalis then you put them in the garden. it's simple!
Great idea! His look on his face in these pictures is priceless!
Alicia....other than the fact that those things look di-sgusting, I think that we will try them. I am really opening my mind to trying more adventerous stuff, thanks for the tip ;)
Jamie...I don't judge you over the Tori books...I still havent read the other one, I need to get on that ASAP, what kind of Tori fan am I??? OH, do you watch the Tori and Dean show??
Uhm, yes I watch Tori & Dean... AND I follow them on twitter! The 2nd book is not as good as the first, but that could just be me 'cuz of the whole 'mommy' thing. Let me know which you think is better when you finish the 2nd one...
Also - now that we're bff's & all-you're gonna have to get the name spelling lesson. (It's a pet peeve of mine.) I spot people a couple of misspellings then it's on like Donkey Kong. Just switch the i & the m. It's Jaime. Just sayin'... Muwah! :)
Um, JAIME, I will do my best to not mess up your name...never realized that name could be spelled so many ways....whats up with that?!?!?
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