We had a big day today!!
First of all, Hope had her last day of school today!! My big girl has taken to school beautifully, she just L-O-V-E-S school. She actually cried when she realized she wouldn't be going back for a while, I know that come August she will be chomping to get back.
Here she is first day.......

I was wearing her out with pictures. She told me to "stop it, I'm ready to go." :-)

HOLY MOLY it was HOT. I volunteered, and helped with kids of all grades, and in between breaks I would go find Pierce's class and take obscene amounts of pictures. That's what I do.
First up was a transfer water game....
Object was to fill up buckets with water by transferring from one kid to the other.
Pierce said this was his favorite :-)
Sack races!!
He fell down a few times. That jumping in a sack is hard work!!
We took a little shade break to cool off, and we started talking about what they were doing next. I told him, "I think you'll be doing tug of war"
And by golly, he broke into push ups. HA HA!!! Developing his upper body strength so he could destroy the competition ;)
It's pretty cute to see all these little kindergartners giving it all they have!!
Pierce was digging deep.
They actually won the first two, and then they had to compete against the other winning team.
Even the teachers got in on it :)

By the time they finished with tug of war, they were WIPED OUT.
One last water break, and then I had to leave. It's been fun having these experiences with Pierce, it makes the whole 'sending your child away' more bearable. However, I am really looking forward to having them both home with me for the next couple months :-)