Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011.

Let me tell you about the awesome gift I received today. It was the gift of sleep. You see that time right there?? 7:44 baby!! I must note, that my alarm clock is set 15 minutes ahead, I try to psyche myself out with the whole, you need to get up, but I always realize I will hit snooze 60 times, not that I actually ever need an alarm clock. I digress, I had the privilege to sleep in today, and awake to a cup of coffee. This is exactly what I asked for.This is my first Mother's Day in Bowling Green, away from home, but I wont ramble on about that. Instead, I will ramble about being a momma. I am blessed. I'll never forget thinking when I had Pierce "what have I done?" Just being honest. However, it wasn't very long, before I fell head over heals in love with that little helpless babe. Then the blessing of a daughter, what more could I want?

Being a mom, is a trip. A mental trip no doubt for me. I worry daily about countless things....Are they safe? Am I screwing them up forever? Are they sad? Are the being bullied? Are they bullying? Will they grow up and follow Jesus? What else am I doing wrong? Let me tell you I could keep this list going on, but I will spare you.

But, the joy's of being a mom are immeasurable. Really they are, and today for me feels more about celebrating my family, than celebrating me.
Thank you Lord for allowing me to raise your children.
And no Mother's Day is complete without paying homage to the two women Paul and I call mom. Check out my momma with her three babes in the glorious era known at the seventies. Really, could any time be more ugly? Thank you mom for all you've done for me, I love you.
Pam thank you for raising a fine son. We miss, and love you!!!


Jaime Mac said...

Awww, such a swett (& still funny) post! I heart that about you!
Happy mommies day to you! :)

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

Happy Mother's Day!! I am glad you had a great day!

Susie said...

Glad to see that you had a great Mother's Day. Your children are such beautiful children. Happy Mother's Day.

Tracey said...

Very sweet post! Good pic of you and the kids!!! You were on my mind all day with it being your first MD in BG. <3

Jami said...

Oh my word.. 7:44!!!! That's the best gift you could ever give a mom!

Glad it was a good day.

Arthur Family said...

Glad that you had a great day! What a sweet family you have.

Jill said...

GREAT pic of you and your kiddoes. I love reading your posts! :)

pambush said...

Thanks for your love AND the complimentary photo! :) That was back when people thought Tom had gotten rid of me and married a new woman. LOL