Monday, March 5, 2012


Let's face it, it's so easy to complain. And I am one of the first to complain and get annoyed with the everyday things of life. And may I just be honest, with people too.  With my Indiana people up their facing loss of life and property, I've decided to make more of a deliberate effort to be aware of what I have to be thankful for.

*My husband. Not for just the obvious reasons, because I love him and he loves me, blah, blah, blah. But because he's the yin to my yang. When I'm about to blow a gasket, he ALWAYS puts things into perspective, and for that simple fact I'm so grateful. He runs out and buys me tampons and toilet paper when I forget them, and if need be a diet cokes. He puts up with my snoring, and forgives me that I always forget what he's asked for at the grocery store. He's swell.

*My children. And for all the obvious reasons. Because I love those two little creatures so much, it makes me sick to my stomach.

*My ghetto fabulous van. Well, because as ghettto as it might be with it's 227,000 miles, it gets me where I need to go.

*My family. Your family knows it all about you. They knew me fat and awkward, they watched me with braces and zits and bad perms, and use a can of hairspray a week. I mean, who else has lived with me through all of that? And my family that I married into. You marry your man, and he comes along with these people. Sometimes, that doesn't work out so well, but for me it's been a blessing.

*My friends. I would say I have a lot of friends, but I have a handful of really close friends. Here's the thing about each one of those, I had to work at them. These aren't friends I've carried through high school, these are all relationships that have formed in the last 6 years to the present time. I've had to put myself out there, when it didn't feel good or comfortable and make myself vulnerable. However, it's been so worth it, because God has blessed me with some awesome women in my life.

*My apartment. You know I miss having a house, I really do, but I cannot complain or go there. I am thankful for this place and the people it holds.

*My Jesus. I'm not sure how to say this without sounding like a Sunday school answer, but I will just be honest. The Lord rescued me from myself, because I was my own worst enemy. Honestly, I still am. But now I have grace. Grace for the hard journey, until He takes me home. Let me be honest again, there were days, weeks, maybe months I doubted Him. How could he allow so many bad things to happen to Paul and I? What kind of God does that? But the answer is clear. The same God who let his own son die a cruel and painful death, will allow circumstances in my life that some days I just can't bear. However, I chose to believe and I chose to love Him,  and how could I not, when He's loved me, a selfish, selfish soul.

*And this little blog right here. I started it because Tracey told me I had to, and I thought it was ridiculous. But  Tracey you were right in forcing it, because it's been great for so many things. Of course, documenting my children's lives, I mean how awesome would it be to have a blog of your own life growing up? But also, for connecting with other people, and feeling a real bond with some of you I've never even met. To have a place to get out the feelings, the funny ones, the sad ones, the silly ones, the mad ones even. It really is a blessing. Corny? Maybe. But true.

So tomorrow when I begin to complain, please tell me to read my own blog....


Jami said...

Gurl... There is no other person besides myself who can complain with the best of them. To me, you have always been the opposite. I have never met anyone who has held their head high through such sorrow.
I don't think I could have made it through these last couple of years without you as a friend.
Don't forget who started their blog first, 2007 friend!!!!

Susie said...

You are so right!! People needs to sit back and see what they do have and be thankful for it!! You have a blessed life.I am sure everyone complains now and then.

Jaime Mac said...

Very well said...all of it. I enjoy you so much because you always seem to 'keep it real' even when that's not the 'pc' thing to do.
You are awesome & I heart you...

Tracey said...

And, I'm thankful for you. Period. <3

Kerry said...

Hi Gretchen!! Oh my goodness I was just thinking about you and thought, you know I haven't seen a post pop up in my reader from you for a while and I thought something isn't right here. When I checked, I had not yet followed you here I had only subscribed which doesn't show you in my reader. My fault, sorry, bet you were wondering where I had gone?
Anyhow, beautiful post, it is so easy to forget very quickly the things we should be thankful for, but when we get that reminder, it is a blessing to think about all the things to be thankful for...because there are so many!!
Have a beautiful day :)