Saturday I was feeling better, which was a good thing, because we had a busy day!
First up was a pancake breakfast at the fire house.
But the main event of the day? The event we've been planning on for weeks? Pierce's first big Tae Kwon Do tournament.In my 37 years of life, I've been to many sporting events, but never any type of martial arts tournament. My only reference I had going into this was the karate kid, so I was totally looking for Mr. Miyagi.
Funny thing is, it was a lot like the movie! Kids from different dojo's everywhere, and even some in all black uniforms, so I came to the grown up conclusion that they were the bad guys.
Pierce went and got settled with some of his other friends.
And for the next hour, we basically just watched other kids perform.
And even some adults (that was kinda weird to Paul and I)
I tried to get a cute pic of Hope and I, but she said her stomach hurt and wanted no part of that.
Within a few minutes, she fell asleep on me. Not that I really minded THAT.
Finally Pierce's age group got the announcement it was time for them! You see him in there?
That's just a portion of his group! Lots o' kids!
They did a little warm up, and then it was ON.
First up he had to perform his form for these judges. It's really intimidating!
At his rank, each form usually consists of 24-27 moves. You memorize the form, then eventually get the UMPH behind the moves.
When he finished, each judge gave a score on how well they thought he did. (I was in the stands sweating it for him!!)
After scores, they told him to go gear up, it was time to spar!
Pierce is on the right, and he was READY TO RUMBLE.
He fought three seperate times
And won 2 out of the 3 matches.
After each child in his group had performed they tallyed up the scores and then handed out medals.

Paul and I are very proud of our little man!!!
And by the way, I'm not sure, but I think I may have heard the voice of Mr. Miyagi floating through the gym that day...."Daniel Son"
Oh my gosh! I would have been soo nervous for Graham if he had to do that! Congrats to your little man for a great job done!
Great job, Pierce!
(But this was seriously funny with all the Karate kid references! My favorite is, "I made the grown up conclusion that the kids in black were bad guys.' Uh, duh...)
Good Job Pierce!!
Glad you had a good day and was feeling better!
My daughter used to do karate. It is a very different sport. I never really understood it much but enjoyed watching her none the less!!!
Nice job! I am impressed! I would have totally wanted to kick someone's butt for beating my son! ha ha! :)
LOVE the Karate Kid! Yes, black means bad guys.
I don't know what is cuter, Pierce and all his poses or Hope falling asleep on you.
I'm glad you are feeling better! :) I have seen Karate Kid 18,364 times and I love watching kids do karate! He is doing so great. And, I love you capturing Hope NOT wanting a pic because she is usually so bubbly! ;)
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