Thursday, October 11, 2012

A night of blurry kids.

Last night was the long-awaited baseball PAR-TAY.

With fall break out of the way, we finally picked a time and place to get the kids together for some food, fun and the much anticipated...


Who doesn't love a nice trophy?

And more important.

Who doesn't love a place full of giant bouncy things?

I would scurry around and try to capture some memories....

But it was a night of blurry kids.

With an intermittent photo-op here...

....and there.

I finally gave up on the picture idea, and just sat back and took it all in.

A fun night with the kids, and a new display that my little Oreo approves of...


Hillary said...

How fun! We LOVE trophies in our house too :).They are very much coveted and cleaned. (Not so much with the rest of Graham's room however...) Awesome job Pierce!


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

I hear ya! Mine are always so blurry when we go to SIGS for Bounce Time. Way to go Pierce! :)

Susie said...

Bouncy pictures are hard to take any ways!!

Jami said...

Looks like Hope enjoyed the party too. Fun times!