It's official Pierce, you are now 7 years old. All those days of counting have now come and gone, and it's time to start another year with you. When I think about how quickly the first 7 have gone, I get really nervous. Will the next 7 years go as fast? Will I turn around and you are 14?

You see, I used to be a little girl, and growing up I always had one consistent dream. When asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, the answer was always the same. I wanted to be a mommy.

And my dream came true on October 22, 2004 at 5:10 a.m., I was officially a mommy.

Boy was I in for a shock when motherhood didn't turn out to be a
Folgers commercial.

In fact I was in for the shock of my life.

Becoming a mom, was the
HARDEST thing I had ever done. It was like a crash course in getting the selfishness kicked right out of me.

But I also wasn't prepared for just how in love I would fall.

All parents get the idea that they will love their child.

However the idea, and actually experiencing it first hand? Well, I can't really explain it. It's all kinds of emotions and feelings wrapped up in this little bundle of a person.

And Pierce, you had better praise that sweet baby Jesus for your daddy.

While I may have majored in mommy, I minored in neurotic.

And becoming a parent, does not help a neurotic soul.

So, if it wasn't for your daddy, I might have you living with me on an island, in a bubble. :)

While you look just like your daddy, you do have my sensitivity. You are also a fierce perfectionist, and a very hard worker.

I've watched you change so much the past year.

And I'm not gonna lie, it's been hard.

Your independence is very noticeable now, and I'm slowly having to let go.

God has great plans for you Pierce Matthew, and I am proud he chose me to be your momma. When you look back and read these words one day, I hope you hear my heart. I might fail you many times, but know my love for you is as deep as the ocean.
I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always
As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
Well, isn't that the sweetest post ever? Those are some adorable pictures! I wanna go pinch those sweet little cheeks. Happy Birthday Pierce!
Great post!!! He will love reading it someday!!! That is so true about becoming a parent. There is NO explaining it but it is the greatest thing EVER!! Happy birthday Pierce!! He's such a cute kid!
What a sweet post!! Happy Birthday Pierce!!
Lord have mercy - are you trying to make me cry? seriously.
that picture of him when he was a wee tot - priceless. just want to squeeze him back to that stage.
you have yourself a sweet little boy and couldn't get much cuter.
hold on the next 7 will be crazy, that's where good friends and God comes in, right?
Happy b-day piercE!!!!!!
Happy birthday to pierce! You do look scared silly in the pic of you & him after he was born! Also love the pic of him in the pan drawer! Cute stuff!!
what a sweet post! i once heard that having kids is like having your heart outside of your body. isn't that so true?! besides, His son, definitely God's most amazing gift to us...motherhood!
So incredibly sweet. I am crying...
Seriously Gretchen, stop making us cry! What a precious post.
Thanks for making the preggo girl cry! ;) What a beautiful post. He sure is such a great, handsome kid!
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