Life is filled with firsts. First love. First concert. First heartbreak. First job. First child.
First pie.
I'm betting most people have made their first pie before the age of 36, but you know some of us are late bloomers.
I felt bad for my mom though, never getting her treasured cherry pie for her birthday. I offered to buy her one last year, and she said no. Whateves. BUT this year, she said I should and could make it. Time to for my first real pie making.
This moment HAD to be documented.
So maybe that is my mom in the picture......
I will have you know though, I did make the pie. Maybe just with a little assistance.
Look at this here, I am using a rolling pin. Look for Jesus, he might be coming back soon, because this is definitely a sign.
Isn't she a beauty? I have vowed to do it again, and in this decade too. I want to make Paul an apple pie for his birthday. So, I have 6 months till I pick up another rolling pin.
It does not stop there. Domestic goodness is oozing out of me.

Who's hooked on Pinterest? This online pin board craze, where you sit on your bum for an hour, and somehow feel as though you are crafty. You all know, I am NOT crafty, yet I have been inspired. Brittany sent me an e-mail one day, showing me something we should try, in her words, "we could so do this."
We got together one night last week, and set to make silhouettes of our kids. Profile shots of the kids first...
Then you carefully cut out their profiles. Or mess up, and give your son a very pointed nose.
Brittany's came out perfect.
It really looks kinda strange before you do the paint.
Oh, and never leave your phone or camera unattended, or random pictures might pop up later. :)
Then you paint the profiles.
See Pierce's crazy pointed nose? Oh and Hope's bob haircut, makes her look like she has a growth under her chin.
Cut off said growth and then properly frame! Which by the way, this is not considered proper framing. You get the idea though!
You were right Brittany, we could do this!
I'm on a roll guys! Maybe next I'll darn some socks, and churn my own butter.

Cute idea!!
Shut the front door you did not make a pie! That silhouette idea is awesome!!!! Might have to try sometime, but that would require my kids sitting still. This post makes me miss you!
I am impressed!! Nice work!! :)
Haha! I am with you on the pie! Dave's is apple pie and I have royally messed it up, too! You will definitely have to share in 6 months 'cause I totally need help in that department. LOVE the silhouettes. What a great idea. And I totally love Pinterest, too! :)
another friend of mine is hooked on this site too! i'm afraid to look! nice work!...and i'll let you know that i tried my first pie last year for thanksgiving. pecan pie...and it was a bust. i even used premade crust. never.again.!
Okay, so props to you and Brittany on the silhouettes!!! I was leery!!! But they turned out cute. ;) And way to go on the pie!!!
Wow...YOU made the pie? (with mom's supervision?) Impressive. I have never made a pie either...but unlike you, I don't care if my family members would love it. I can admit my shortcomings... :D
AND you're trying to be crafty? Lordy be, you're right-either Jesus is coming...or BG has made you a stepford wife. Bum bum buuuuummmmm... :)
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