Tracey and I have been planning this weekend for months. Literally months! She's been saving her hard earned kid watching money, and had big plans to shop, shop, shop.
And I was going to be Tracey's Stacy. You know from What Not To Wear?

Does anyone see where this is going?
I woke up at 5 a.m. Saturday morning, feeling VERY nauseous. I laid in that bed for an hour and a half, trying to convince myself that it was all in my head. I AM NOT SICK. I said that to myself over and over again. I finally came out of the room at 7 or so, and Tracey was sitting in the living room with the kids. I just looked at her and said "I feel sick" I soooo did not want to break that to her. I sat on the couch for as long as I could, and then it happened. I couldn't lie to myself anymore, I was sick.
I felt bad, literally and then felt bad for Tracey. I knew how long she had been planning on this shopping trip, and I just was sick over the fact that I was messing it all up.
I texted Paul, and told him, and he told me how sorry he was, and asked what I would do. At that point I wasn't sure, I thought maybe I could just suck it up and go anyways. Only about 10 minutes later Paul texts me back "can I wash our comforter on our bed?" Uh, exsqueeze me? Paul wanting to wash?? Something had to be wrong. I said "No, why, what happened?" "Hope threw up all night long."
Well, that was it. I had to go home. I was sick, Hope sick, and now I had the fun 2 hour drive to make back. Lovely. So our supposed to be fun filled weekend has turned into this, Hope and I laying around, being all pitiful. 3 out of 4 Bush's sick, and yet somehow Paul has still avoided it! I hope it stays that way!! It's MISERABLE.
THANKFULLY, Tracey's mom stepped up and filled my shoes yesterday. I was so happy for that!! Tracey did get to spend her money, after all. However, it turns out that Maggie is sick too, not with what I had, but something else, so I guess it was for the best I had to leave :(

OH NO!! That really stinks!!! I hate that! I hope you guys feel better soon!!!
You and Hope look pitiful! This really stinks, especially since the agenda was shopping. How horrific!
That stinks!! I hope you both getting feeling better soon!!
1. Awesome that you ralphed your $17 meal!!! {Sarcasm}
2. Love your glasses and that you wore them outside in the dark because you looked HAWT.
3. This just means that we get to do a week long trip in Jan, right????
4. It's a good thing we love our kids, cuz........blah.
You poor girls! (hope, Tracey & you!). Sorry your weekend got ruined. :(. (uhm Tracey & I are on the same wavelength. I called you hawt on her post before I read her comment here. Scary, :))
Poor girl! Love your retelling though! You make me laugh! Hope everyone is feeling better!
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