Is it the Queen of England that celebrates her birthday for a week? Or maybe it's just one of those Kardashians? Well, we can add my children to that list too. Seems whenever we celebrate Pierce or Hope, it goes on and on!! Enjoy it while it lasts kids!!
How fun is it to get special mail? I love it when I get an unexpected package!! Pierce was super pumped on Thursday when he got a package from Meemaw and Grandpa.

Just check on the expressions in the next few pics....

He was VERY happy to get some more Star Wars dudes for his collection, some motorcycle guys, and a light for his head! Thanks Meemaw and Grandpa!!!

Thursday I was in preparation for the King and Queen's arrival, i.e., my parents. The Lysol must have gone to my brain, because I decided I would make a cake. From scratch. I found a recipe on the dern pinterest, and feeling all domestic I went for it. The recipe was for chocolate coke-cola cake. Yum!

I took my cue from Alicia, and knew I had to photograph myself baking. I'm so used to cheesing, I forgot I needed to look overworked and distraught. (I also must have been so caught up in my domestic goodness that I neglected to shut the freezer door)

This is better.

Tip from me when baking a cake. Don't spill part of it on the floor.

Another tip. Do lick LOTS of the batter.

Here it is!! My cake from scratch. Guess what? It was a flop. I GIVE UP.

I still served it to the birthday boy, and then he told me "I don't like this mom." So, instead he ate more sugar cookies from the store.

With my parents actually here on Pierce's birthday we decided to head to the Nashville Zoo. We made a pit stop on the way down to one of Pierce's favorite places!!

It was a PERFECT day for the zoo. I don't ever remember being at the zoo when it wasn't 846 degrees, so this was a very nice change.

Pierce offered to take one of us, I had no idea Hope was bombing the pic. Silly girl!

We spent so much time playing on the playground, that we hardly had time to see the animals!


Hope is all about goofing off for picture time lately. ;) Sooooo, I have to point out this chick standing right behind us, see the leopard shirt woman? I'm just going to go with my gut that she is not one of my 10 readers. Anyways, see how she's holding her phone up at her face? She had it on some type of mirror, and she stared at herself the.entire.time. It was quite amusing for me. :)

Had to include a picture of my dad holding Pierce. I'm not sure how much longer we will be able to pick up our big boy! :(

My parents had never been with us to the zoo, and it was a really great day.

We also took my parents to see Paul's fire department. Not that he owns it, but you know what I mean. :)

Has anyone wondered where Paul has been? Or are you thinking what an awful wife I am to not include him in any of the pictures?
Believe it or not, there are some things I wont blog about, I actually do have limits. But I was given complete 100% permission to document this.

On Friday, Paul had 9 teeth pulled. I am not even kidding you guys! He had 9!!!! teeth pulled. Guess what happens when you spend many of years of your life seriously ill, and on crazy drugs? Your teeth go bad, and you have no choice but to get them pulled. Now, you know we've worn out the Kentucky jokes about this, but it really stinks! He WILL be getting them replaced (shew ;)) and he has done remarkably well considering, just really swollen. I guess when you've been to hell with your health, a little teeth pulling aint nothin'. :)
Poor Paul! Thanks for posting those sweet pics!
#1 Your cake looks scrumptious! Too bad it bombed! :( Maybe I should give you cooking lessons...
#2 Adorable zoo pics!! I'm so glad the King and Queen were able to come celebrate!
#3 Paul looks pitiful! I am relieved that he wasn't in more pain. Drugs are an awesome thing.
#1-I'm glad you acknowledged the elephant in the room about Pierce's 9000 birthday celebrations. He's been going at it for a month! At least there has been presents every time! SCORE!
#2-You baking that cake I love all the pics of you. Hilarious.
#3-RICO & 9 teeth? Oh my word. I had 1 tooth pulled 3 or 4 years ago bc I was a brat & didn't go to the dentist bc I didn't have insurance. Anywho-I had to get an implant for mine. SUPER painful & a LOOOOONG process for sure. Good luck to Rico... & you... ;)
To bad that cake was a bomb!! It looked delicious. I love that kind of cake. Glad all had fun at the zoo. I feel for Paul. I can't imagine getting 9 teeth out at a time!!
Sorry the cake was a bomb. Good try though :) Looks like a fun time with the parents.
Poor Paul!! He's a tough cookie!
Cake---HILARIOUS pics!! I can't believe it didn't turn out!
Zoo---Fun times!
Paul---9!!!! HOLY COW!!!!
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