Yesterday was my big boy's first day of 1st grade!!! I'm sad that he's gone most of the day, but really praying that he has a great year.

He seemed really excited and kind of nervous too. Not sure what to think of a new teacher, and who will be in his class...

I had him laughing before we went in. I kept chanting "first day of 1st grade, first day of 1st grade" in kind of an annoying little chant, but it made him crack up.

In the words of my best friend. Oy. Why on earth do they grow up so fast?

At his new desk!!

And then it was time for me to leave. :(

His first day seemed to go well, but today he came home in a bad mood. I asked him if he had a bad day, and he said yes. He was complaining about the kids having to put their heads on the desk, but I'm just not sure what it was all about. Teacher friends, is it normal for kids to have a hard time adjusting at first? Or maybe it was just a bad day? I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings.
He is so darn cute!! I hate that he had a rough first day! I would wait and see how tomorrow goes before you worry too much. Keep us posted!
Poor guy! I'm sure it will go better tomorrow. This scares me because I can remember when he was 1, this means mine will be in school before we know it too.
Sorry he he had a bad day. It will take some time getting used to going all day. It will get better for him momma.
i agree with alicia...give it a few days. it could be new routines, new kids, etc... give it a week or so.
He looks adorable!! He has the sweetest smile! ;)
1st grade is like "real" school - you know, Kindergarten is school - but 1st grade is BIG!
Give it a few days. Maybe the teacher had a bad day - did you say she was pregnant? Maybe she was moody. Who knows? Praying for a smooth day tomorrow!
I'm proud of tears! (that you let us see anyway!). :)
What sweet smiles! You did it, Gretchen! It's adjustments here for homeschooling. Takes a few days to discover what is going to be new. Give it a few days.
So sorry he had a rough first day. Reece always seems to have a rough first day (he came home in a rough mood too). I think it is just a long, emotional, anxious day! New people, new teachers, new things. So, glad it went better the next day! Think of you often.
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