Time for my weekend report. I'm not sure how I've settled into this thing of reporting in every Sunday night, but I have. I hope you, my loyal and faithful, enjoy the usually slightly mundane reports from BG.
Friday night I hosted my first dinner at our place. I have had dinner's for our families, but that doesn't seem to count in my book, I know that no matter how lame it is, they will still love me. We had over Sharky (works with Paul) and Megan, and I seriously wanted to get a picture of all four of us, but it honestly slipped my mind. Bad blogger. Anyways, I had salad, lasagna, bread, and homemade mac and cheese. Megan's pregnant, and requested the mac and cheese, so I was happy to oblige. It was like we were carb loading for a major race or something, but all we managed was to shift from one butt cheek to the other. We laughed, talked, and no one vomited from my cooking, so I will call it a success!!

Saturday Paul worked all day long, so it was just me and the kids. We were invited to Layton's 4th birthday party, so we were all over going to that!! Brittany had it at the Connection Center at Living Hope. Fun!! Every kid loves a party that has a bouncy thingy!! ( I don't know why some of my pictures are coming out fuzzy, this doesn't make me a happy camper)

Brittany did so many cute things, and I didn't get pictures of it all. I was just waiting for Southern Living to come in and photograph it all.

Just some of the spread!! There was also more food on the other end, plus homemade ice cream, a slide show and MORE.

Again, another fuzzy picture. Mark my words, I am getting me one of those big fancy shmancy cameras. I am saving my allowance and will maybe be able to buy one by the time the kids marry or something.

The kids with the birthday boy!!

Brittany managed a group shot before we left. Hope is the ONLY girl. I did see one other girl at the party, but she is WAY outnumbered down here, but she didn't mind one bit. It was a really fun party, and we appreciated being included!! :)

One last thing about the weekend. We've decided that it's time to join the church officially. I have belonged to one church basically my entire life, we joined Graceland in 1980, so 31 years later I'm making a change. Anyways, this was a 3! hour class, I was seriously beginning to wonder if I was going to be awarded a doctorate before I left. It's not over either, this is just the beginning. Hope I don't end up a sister wife or something ;)
Fun weekend!! Yes, I look for your posts each Sunday!! Keep 'em coming!!
Enjoyed reading about your weekend!!
I too love reading your weekend updates...it"s like what they do on snl. ;)
I think maybe it was good you 'didn't remember' to take a pic of the dinner guests. Don't wanna weird them out...yet.
Love the bday par-tay spread. Looks like she went all.out!
I love reading your weekend posts. The party looks great!
I seriously laughed out loud when you said the sister wife comment! You crack me up.
So glad that Hope & Pierce had a good time:) Birthdays are always fun ( and a little stressful!) I love all the pictures though....
And I too love your Sunday night updates - I look for them every week.
Gook luck with the new members class - I remember all of that...don't be freak out when they make you eat a snake in the very last class! ha! :) totally joking- maybe!
No pics of Megan and Sharpey?? ;) Pshaw!! I'm sure your lasagna was delish!!! Um, how come when I come down, I get pb&j or Chuck E Cheese? I want lasagna next time AND homemade mac n cheese. :)
The birthday party looked adorable!! Brittany's decorating makes me like her even more!!! I can't wait to meet her...
I'm sure joining church is a bittersweet thing, but I'm truly happy you've found a "home". WE MISS YOU!!! (and Paul a little bit) but I'm glad to see God's blessings pouring out all over you. LOVE YOU!!
I forgot the sister wife comment...really funny.
UHM-I loved Brittany's comment about eating the snake! HAHA! I've decided I approve of you! ;)
I love your updates, too and it totally reminds me of SNL, too!
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