Jami Leigh texted me last week, "when does Pierce go back to school? I'm thinking we are going to come down for a visit" And with that a plan was born. Jami, Cooper and Cameron were coming for a visit!! She and her kids have never come down for a playdate alone, so we were pretty excited. :)
Let me explain something though about me. Anytime anyone decides to come here for a visit, I go through this whole thing in my brain. "What if they get in an accident" "What if their car breaks down" "What if they have a flat tire" And the what ifs go on and on.....Just ask Tracey. Last time she came down, I couldn't reach her for 30 minutes, her phone kept going to voicemail. Of course my brain went to all those what ifs, and I was wearing myself out!!! Do you understand how back it sucks to be a nervous ninny?? So, while I was very excited to have James come for a visit, I was nervous until she make it back to good ol' Indiana :)
I somehow missed getting a group shot on my camera! Whateves!! I took one on my cell phone, but it was pretty ghetto. So, no group photo :(
These kids and their technological minds!! I tell you what. Pierce showing Coop how to play games on a MAC.

And Hope taking to Jami's I-phone, like a fish to water :)

I gladly took to Cameron duty while Jami left the room for all of .6 seconds, and every single time, he acted like this.

And this.

Look at the tears!! I was getting a complex! I am definitely losing my baby touch ;) Actually, he's just a MAJOR momma's boy :)

They drive 4 hours in one day, and I fix hot dogs and cheetos. I really know how to show people a good time.

Back to more play!!! Kids snuggled ;)

And played games..

Oh look who's content now?? It's cause momma was in the room and he wasn't left with the big bad witch of BG!!

Then Hope started the dress up stuff...and the other kids followed suit. Somehow I missed loading that picture?? I know Jami has it on her blog though :)

Then it was time for James to leave :( I seriously can't explain how much it means to me when anyone comes to visit me, and I was soooo appreciative of you coming down Jami! I know the effort it takes, especially with little ones. And relieved of my nervous ninny worry when you let me know you had made it home safely!! ;)

And not to leave out something else pretty important, daddy made it back home on Thursday night. He has been out of town in Chicago on a business trip, and we were all pretty happy to have him back!!! :)
I LOVE the pictures of Cameron! How awesome is he? We had a great time, glad we could make it before school started.
Yay!! I love when people can go visit you. :) Great crying pics of Cam. And, I'm glad Paul got home safe. Just in time to "deal" with your neighbor. ;)
Glad you had a fun visit! (you're so funny with the crying Cameron pics!)
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